Monday, August 31, 2009

Self-Appreciation Post

Always nice to appreciate myself once in awhile, and after this I'll go grab myself a cookie too.

I see that I'm on my 52nd post of 2009 already, and it's only August 31st. Really proud of myself this year for posting consistently, got representation in every month which is more reflective of an overall body of work (like a series of balance sheets of a Fortune 500 company) showing various states of mind (or in the case of spelling bee/Big Brother this year, addiction) that I've been in.

I really appreciate that I have this blog. And I know people actually read it. Next to academic prowess + character fitness, probably one of my long-lasting achievements.

I really appreciate that I can look at things w/ a sense of humor. Broken record alert: * you gotta laugh at least twice a day. *

I appreciate that I take responsiblity in a lot of things that I do. I really do take leadership, whether it's helping running different organizations in college (Illinois Fantasy Football, SIFE, and now APALSA), make sacrifices for the team.

I appreciate Juan Gutierrez.

I appreciate that there's something in the world like Big Brother that can allow me work my competitive juices, hone my chess-playing skills to think about different scenarios, and have 5-minute sweat sessions where all the power in the game shifts in the span of 4 questions.

I appreciate not being involved in any California wildfires yet.....cross fingers.

I appreciate still being able to appreciate Chinese food after all these years of eating it. Like college freshman, the beauty of Chinese food is that they never get older.

I appreciate that I will start an internship at a law firm tomorrow and appreciate its value to me even though it's unpaid.

I appreciate that things might if things aren't going so well now, life has twists and turns, you just gotta hold the steering wheel level, laugh in the face of adversity (again, part of the laughing 2 times a day) and stay on the road, cuz something good can be right around the next bend.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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