Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Thrill of Victory

Last night, after 3 grueling weeks of agonizing and desperation, I was finally able to secure something that many 1L's are grasping at right now: That elusive 1L summer job. Granted, it's non-paid, and granted, according to the guy who did it last year it's a hell lot of work, but it's mine, and I'm thrilled.

Concurrently, according to the Sacramento Bee, the regional spelling bee in the Sacramento area is taking place tomorrow, March 4th. You know who's gonna be there? You guessed it, Josephine Kao. Not to put any pressure on her, but she should expect nothing less than victory, as she's conquered this level of spelling thrice before. This should be merely a formality, but it's still an accomplishment when she wins- winner of the regional spelling bee 4 years in a row is something i wish i had in my trophy-case: nowadays I can barely do anything 4 years in a row: attend college, play volleyball, maintain my organizations, write christmas cards to my family, update this blog: it's very difficult.

You don't need it, Josephine, but good luck!

So this gets me to the point of this post: the thrill of victory. I gotta believe that at some point in their lives everyone has won SOMETHING in their lives, whether it was that pie-eating contest you had in 4th grade, the "knock these 9 pins down w/ 2 balls" game at the circus, the random-chance raffle win at some event, or (I can only dream of this), winning fantasy sports leagues. Ican't imagine anyone not winning ONE of these things.

Winning feels great. Winning is why I show up to things: to beat people at their game, to justify your efforts, to feel like you're the best at something, to feel that on one day nobody can beat you, and everything goes right. Winning makes you forget about all those obstacles you had to endure to reach your goal, the arguing, the sweating, the bleeding, the crying, the swearing, the almost-giving-up, those don't cross your mind anymore after you have won. It's a great power, but we need to work for it.

So here's some ways to win your fantasy baseball league this season: (nice segue, eh? )

1. If you have the #1 pick, DO NOT draft Hanley Ramirez. Yahoo! tells you to do so, in fact they'll autopick him for you if you don't swith it. CBS does it, ESPN has him #1 too. Don't fall into the trap. A-Rod and Pujols, baby, monsters year in and year out. Don't get swept up by all the A-rod drama, people speculated about Pujols being out for the year going into last season......before Albert had another career year.

2. Ian Kinsler? Pass. This guy was like a 7th-round pick last season-my personal rule is never to draft someone 6 rounds or more higher than they were last season........and he's going late 1st round this season = stay away, let him prove me wrong this year before I ever draft him this high. But I don't think he will.

3. Wait for pitching. I know you're at home salivating about the Lincecums (who also violates my 6-rounds rule) and sabathias, but there's so much delicious pitching in the later rounds! It's like stackin up too high at the first few tables at a buffet: you won't have room for the best sound at the end of the buffet. List of names and their Yahoo! rankings:

86. Felix Hernandez (although, temper your expectations on the King again this year)
100. Joba Chamberlain (rising stud)
120. Carlos Zambrano (4th-5th round pick last year)
154. Aaron Harang (as consistent as they come just had bad year)
162 + 167: Clayton Kershaw + Max Scherzer: I'd bet my worthless Yahoo! stock that one of these guys blows up this season
178+179: Randy Johnson + Erik Bedard: how are potential 200K-pitchers ranked so low?
231: John Smoltz: Think Josh Beckett.

4. Wait for derek jeter at SS. He's being ranked below guys like JJ hardy and Stephen Drew right now. What? It's like letting the early birds at a garage sale leave w/ all the crud before you swoop in and buy the real deal.

5. Wait for Adrian Gonzalez at 1B. His 100-30-100 is bottom line, easily eclipses that if San Diego gets trade-happy.

6. Be really, really careful about Johann Santana and other pitchers who are reporting arm problems. Always be suspicious about injury reports before a season even starts, especially with pitchers. Call me paranoid, but I saw enough of Mark Prior- circa 2005 to last me a lifetime.

Just a sneak peak at the stuff I will bring you to prep for the 2009 MLB season. We haven't even gotten to the World Baseball Classic yet. Just you wait.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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