Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Finally, Obama HAS COME BACK...........

To San Antonio!

Haha, imagine if Barack Obama started out all his speeches like that. He'd definitely have my vote. I dunno if he'd get too many others though. In another tie-in to my love for WWE, as i was watching the primary results from Ohio and Texas last night I imagined how Obama would sound if he took on the character of the Rock, a legendary wrestler who's retired now ( does movies) who wasn't that great as a wrestler but was probably THE BEST ever at promos. This guy had a lot of catch phrases and made sure at every opportunity to bolster his charisma. So if Obama was like the Rock in giving speeches, it'd go something like this:

Obama walks onto the stage w/ his own entrance music, clutching at something synomous to a title belt, with the crowd cheering him and waving the "Obama" signs.

Obama looks around the crowd and then commences:

"Finally, Obama HAS COME BACK to...................San Antonio! "

He'd go on a long tangent about having it all originate in little towns all over Iowa, then down to the fields of Alabama to the shores of south carolina to the ports of Seattle,............

then, "for the thousands and thousands in attendance, and the millions ( pause, lets audience say it with him) AND MILLIONS watching at home,"

"can you hear them chanting Obama's name? " (audience chants) Obama! Obama! Obama!

And to finish it off whatever speech he's making, Obama would conclude,

"IF YOU SMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL la la la! What cooking!" ( and gives the people's eyebrow into the camera)

Haha i crack myself up just visualising that. For you WWE fans out there, u know exactly what i'm talking about, and hopefully u find that funny cuz i think it's really approrpiate to what Obama is doing......trying to rally the masses, convince them he is the champion of the people, and praising himself and promoting the time when he's gonna be at the top of his business ( the Rock's case, the WWE title, Obama's case, the title of president).

For you who don't have a single iota of a clue what i'm talking about, watch this video:
O it's glorious. If only Obama did that.

Man I'm really intrigued by this election, and it hasn't even gotten to the general election yet. It's at the PRIMARY stage. Hillary Clinton, as described by CNN coverage last night, " sure has gumption" in that she's been left for dead, basically thrust in a "do or die" position 3 times and has survived 3 times, in New Hampshire, before the Super Tuesday primaries, and the Ohio-texas primaries last night. Any stumbles at any of those not could have, WOULD HAVE meant her doom, yet she's still in there, and she actually has momentum right now.

That SNL skit, as much as people don't wanna admit it, probably helped her. Tremendously. Gave her exposure, showed a soft side of her, made her look "of the people." shoulda done it sooner.

On to the night in fantasy. Charlotte is beating Golden State? Wow. Jason Richardson having just a ridiculous game w/42 points against his former team, and yes now the bobcats are gonna win. And yes, you read that right, jared dudley has 18 rebounds. That's a rookie GUARD from boston college, guys, that was playing in the NCAA tournament this time last year.

Monta Ellis is playing like a basketball god right now. He didn't put his team over the top this game, but he's become quite a force. Doesn't shoot from 3, but o boy when he puts it on the floor u better watch out. He's 6-3 but can dunk on anybody, and he's just getting better. One of the high school kids that actually panned out.

Knicks leading the Cavs in the 4th quarter. Who is this guy looking like jamal crawford, and what has he done to the real jamal crawford? This new guy seems to actually know what he's doing, passes the ball enough to get double-digit assists occasionally, and is the leader of his team. He also averages 20 points a game, which i could have seen from the old jamal but not w/ the other parts of the game we're seeing now.

Ronnie Brewer had a crazy start to his season and exploded out of the gate, but he's cooled off a bit w/ him being the 5th option in the starting lineup for the jazz, but tonight he has 10 points in the 1st quarter. Good for him. He will probably be an even bigger fantasy force next season, especially w/ his steal ability, whether that's because of pure defensive stalwartness or because he can afford to go for steals w/ solid defenders behind him. Hmm.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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