Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fantasy MLB 2008 preview - Fantasysportguru style!

Alright here's how we do this: I have 20 minutes from the start of this post until my last and most important fantasy baseball draft, so while I'm in the mood i'm gonna run down all of the positions in fantasy baseball and give you who's underrated, who's overrated, who you should draft, who you shouldn't, and some key names you should watch out for ( either positively or negatively).

First base:

Underrated = Travis Hafner, Adrian Gonzalez, Paul Konerko, Carlos Delgado
Overrated = Prince Fielder, Garret Atkins, not too many else

Prince Fielder is universally being selected right where ryan howard is, usually the #1 first baseman, and that's a crime. After a breakout 50-HR season, people are buying what the prince is selling. Don't do it yet. Let somebody else figure out if he's REALLy for real.

Paul Konerko is a 30HR- 100RBI guarantee, yet he's being drafted as like the #12 first baseman. A.K.A, too low. Travis Hafner had one bad year w/ 3 great years before that and people are overcompensating for the 1 bad year cuz it's fresh in their mind. This is the last time you'll get pronk in the 4th round for many years.

2nd base:

Underrated = Kelly Johnson, Chone Figgins, Dan Uggla
Overrated = Brandon Phillips, Howie Kendrick, Robinson Cano

I love howiewood cuz of a closet angels fanhood, but him and cano are similar in that their rising stars ( people love that), but they bat for average. And in fantasy bases, u don't draft for average. You gotta draft for the power, run-producing cats, and these guys just haven't proven that yet. And they're not exactly base-stealin thieves, altho people "speculate" that kendrick might still 25+ bases. I'll believe it when i see it.

Where there IS proven power, tho, to the tune of 20+ HR's in both of last 2 years, is dan uggla. In chone figgins you have proven speed and proven runs in a potent lineup. Take the safer bets rather than reach. O and let someone else buy brandon philips' career-high stock.


underrated = derek jeter, michael young, orlando cabrera
overrated = jimmy rollins, troy tulowitzki, edgar renteria

I think it's one of the fallacies of this year's draft prognistication that tulowitzki is being projected ahead of derek jeter, one of the best players of our time. Sure, tulowitzki did great last year ( in the 2nd half), and he might exceed jeter's numbers this year too given the right situation, but you don't draft him hoping to do that cuz the chances are low. Jeter has done the same thing for 11 years; tulo did it for the last 3 months of the season last year. Don't buy in just cuz u read the sports illustrated baseball preview article about him.
Orlando Cabrera is a really good hitting shortstop and might see an uptick in HR's but a downtick in runs, but he shouldn't be drafted so low given his talent, and michael young is just a .300+ stick ready to explode if texas's offense finally does what it's supposed to do.

Third Base

Underrated = Ryan Zimmerman, Aramis Ramirez, Adrian Beltre
Overrated = Ryan Braun, Chipper Jones, Evan Longoria

I do think Evan Longoria's stock has dropped now that he's been sent to Triple-A to start the yera, but even before that this was a guy that I would not have drafted, simply because he's too young and needs to prove himself at least a bit before i draft him over veterans or other young budding stars w/ some experience under their belt. This year 3rd base is kinda thin, and you miss out on the top 3 of a-rod, wright, and cabrera want to get right in the middle of the 3rd base tier of ramirez, beltre, and definitely don't want braun, as i've alluded to earlier, and anybody lower than the terrific 3 i mentioned is a big drop-off. Yes, you'll be tempted by Chipper's numbers last year when healthy, but the key is WHEN HEALTHY. Not only was he hurt all the time, he's getting older. The only way i draft him is to ride out atlanta's easy early schedule, see if he produces like crazy, and then sell high.

To be continued.................
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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