Thursday, September 19, 2024

Brown Recluse Spider ( 棕色隐士蜘蛛, 갈색 은둔거미)

 Pretty sure Asian countries don't have this concept of brown recluse spiders because they only live in North America! The Chinese above is just a rough translation. Apparently it's venomous and has a violin-shaped mark on its back. Be on the lookout! May have to go to the hospital if stung by one, although I'm sure plenty of people (like me) have a fantasy of being stung by a radioactive spider like Spiderman did and become a superhero, one of those things we get trained as kids to think like and never break out of that paradigm, like thinking snakes are bad or that beautiful people are good-natured and caring. I've often found a negative correlation between beauty and consideration for other people. I just like to stress to the general public because this beauty-first society is being even more pronounced today with smartphones and social media, beauty is not everything, please pay attention to the people who are not beautiful, because they in fact need attention (just like animals, don't just give money to the best-looking cats and dogs! There are plenty of ugly dogs that need your attention! And other animals that aren't dolphins or horses that don't fit our standards of aesthetically pleasing physical forms like all kinds of bugs! Bees are probably the most important creature that people don't like because they're always buzzing around......they're so very important to the ecosystem of plants and flowers and nature's cycle. They're pollinators! Fertilizers! I wish humans had the equivalent of bees to help with fertilization, MJ and I (and I mean 99% MJ) wouldn't have to go through all this time and effort. Worms! MJ hates worms, rats, anything on the ground essentially that is dirty, but they're also really important. Don't hate them just because they don't conform to our beauty standards! 

I'm starting to formulate a theory on it called "The Tyranny of the Beautiful: How beautiful people run the world and we're just living it. It's the world's sanctioned discrimination of people: we're not allowed to discriminate based on age, sex, religion, race, skin color, sexual orientation, basically anything type of groupings anymore, EXCEPT physical appearance. We're allowed to do that, and human beings do it in spades, voting with their eyes, their attention, their money, their preferences when hiring people, their preferences when selecting people to get on TV, etc., etc. I understand some people have it hard growing up a certain demographic in America (I actually think the hardest are people who are born blind, or with some physical disability or disease, but those get lost in the shuffle due to everyone playing the victim card in society nowadays), but ugly people like myself do actually grow up having a hard life, and it's only getting harder. Honestly, that's a small part of the reason I've considered NOT having kids, is I know how hard it can in this society that values physical appearance more than almost anything (maybe money?) and to give my kid a negative start out of the gate. But MJ is beautiful! So maybe that will make up for my deficiency in that department. (I believe, btw, this is called getting the Darwin Award- voluntarily taking onself out of the gene pool, a form of natural selection). But seriously, it is an issue. No one does studies on it of what percentage of people go through depression, social isolation, lower self-esteem, and just lower success in life based on the factor of physical attractiveness, but I have to imagine the graph would show a huge causation. I was baffled when I was a kid sometimes why I was left out, people I knew stopped hanging out with me, I always got quietly rejected by girls I was interested in, I never heard anything back on those Survivor/ Amazing Race audition tapes: it's this quiet, unspoken acknowledgement by society that, "yea, sorry but you're not attractive enough." I'm the brown recule spider. Never getting its due, never mentioned as anyone's favorite animal. 

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