Sunday, July 14, 2024

Assassination 暗杀, 暗殺, 암살

 Over the weekend there was an attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump in Pennsylvania. This must have been what it was like to hear about Ronald Reagan's near-death assassination event, or JFK's successful assassination. (In fact, we were kind of due for an assassination attempt of a President or an ex-President running for President). Except now in 2024 we should have all the technology and experience from previous assassinations to root out these type of events. Already there are tons of conspiracy theories proliferating on the Internet, but apparently this was a case of a lone shooter somehow getting on top of a roof with an assault rifle- type of gun and fired 3 shots at Trump. I know it's hard to track everyone at a Trump rally, but there are also a ton of people at airports, and each one of us has to go through tedious TSA security (I again lost my shoe in the conveyor belt recently!) just to get to our flights, yet political rallies don't get checked for weapons? Seems like a gross oversight since the speaker, especially someone who is divisive, has a lot of power, and inspires both positive and negative emotions in people, is standing right in front of everyone in plain sight, by nature is in a clear line of sight and full danger, and he's just a sitting duck for anyone with a gun to fire on......except there should be snipers in the area, security guards, and "countersnipers" who are supposed to scan the area for suspected snipers and take them out. In fact, it was ingrained in my mind as a kid that Secret Service agents are trained to take a bullet for a President or important political figure, like that's their primary job and why they get paid; they can fool around all the time at all other times, but their sole purpose of being is to step in and take a bullet for someone more important for them. This didn't happen, or nearly in time, and then this wasn't like JFK's assassination in a motorcade moving around different streets in Dallas, nor is it Ronald Reagan moving out of a building into a limo, this was a pre-planned event in one specific spot that should have been scouted out beforehand, secure the surrounding area. I can only imagine that maybe the Secret Service, like a lot of other organizations in the world, isn't as well-run and professional as we have an impression of them being, hire people who are distracted by smart phones and TikTok videos, and probably get lulled into complacency due to all the different events that DON'T end in an assassination attempt. 

I'm really a big fan of CoQ10 now! Seems to be improving my heart health and at least raising my hemoglobin levels so I can donate blood whenever I want without fear of low iron levels. I never really thought about taking supplements except when I had acne and was looking for anything and everything to fix it, but I really regret now not taking supplements earlier in life..... apparently we all naturally have some deficiencies and vitamins just balance those out, that's why they're called "supplements.' Sometimes I'm just so worried about everything else in lifethat I don't take care of me. That's why this past week I went to a chiropractor for the first time in my life to get an "adjustment" for my back that apparently has a knot at a trigger point and is pinching a nerve or something. Not too scary but hopefully just knead it out? The chiropractor session was just basically sitting on a series of different massage chairs with pretty strong push, but also this one device that sent electric waves to my back to try to disentangle that area. Let's hope it works! I thought the chiropractor upon first discussion was a hack who was just trying to get me to do as many sessions as possible before giving me the real cure (and refusing to send me for an MRI to see if it's a herniated disc or something bone-related) but I'll just blissfully keep doing his prescribed treatment plan of 6 trips of chiropractic sessions until it magically gets better! 

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