Sunday, June 2, 2024

Helena Bonham Carter

 Sorry movie theaters, I no longer go to movie theaters becasue there are so many movie options online and I don't like popcorn and sitting in a room with a huge screen unable to use my little screen on my phone (a common problem for AMC and other theater companies), but also my version of sitting down for 2.5 hours is to donate platelets and watch Netflix while strapped up to the platelet machine.... can't check my phone, can't do anything with my phones, the only time where 100% of my energy is devoted towards what's in front of me and I can't reach for my phone. And each time I go donate platelets, I reward myself with episodes of The Crown- so many facets of the Royal Family I didn't know about, like "Dickie" Montbatten was killed supposedly by the IRA (Irish Republican Army) in a boat (sorry about spoilers), the nature of Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles's relatinship before Camila got married to someone else, how Princess Ann was even involved, the various prime ministers that served under Queen Elizabeth including SEVEN before we even got to the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, hthe beautiful residences that are Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Sandringham, various other locations, and how influential Elizabeth's sister Margaret was to her. 

Margaret is a tragic figure: she loves Lord Snowden and desperately wants to be with him, but they also have knock-down drag-out fights that leave them both shattered and say things they don't mean..... kind of like every relationship (except Elizabeth and Philip have a loving relationship as depicted on teh show). I'll never know what it's like to be a woman, but I sympathize with the plight of Margaret, played wonderfully by Helena Bonham-Carter (who also went through her own marriages and divorices with Kenneth Branagh and Tim Burton, of all people) showing the raw emotions of women. MJ and I discussed over dinner with a friend recently how women care so much about what their partner thinks of them (usually men) and try to center their lives around the men in their lives, but men are just thinking about what they're going to have for lunch. Or in the case of Lord Snowden, what girl he's going to have next. Lord Snowden really seems the kind of man that gives women so much trouble and angst, and give men a bad name. He's clearly handsome and attractive with the ladies, but he uses that to his advantage to get with as many women as he can, a natural instinct for men but which runs directly contrary to what women want, to be fully commited to one person and fall deep into their arms (and love). I have to remember that when I'm talking to MJ, but also all women; when Helena/ Princess Margaret is depressed and upset about losing Snowden to "the Thing," what she calls the other woman in the relationship, it sounds hateful but it's also reflective of her own insecurities and devotion to Snowden, whom I'm sure she's devoted her life to and planned to spend the rest of their lives together (especially with children). To me, season 3 and 4 were the best seasons of the Crown due to the contrast between the resilience of Olivia Colman's Elizabeth versus the interplay of Carter's Margaret, the playfulness, the brashness, the depressive episodes and trying to commit all contrasts so beautifully with Elizabeth's duty to her country. Of course there were plenty of people who dissed the Queen when she died in September 2022, but I'd say first watch the TV series (which admittedly has a bit of a favorable edit for the Royal Family) and really understanding like I did all the dynamics. 

You don't have to do it while donating platelets, by the way. 

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