Thursday, December 5, 2019

Letter to Myself Ten Years Ago

Recently there's been a Facebook fad of posting one's picture from ten years ago and compare it with one's current picture; I wonder if it's a way of Facebook getting even more information on you. This was preceded by the angry woman and cat meme, and various memes and gifs that one needs a dictionary or handbook just to keep track of. That's one thing that hasn't changed in the past 10 years: Facebook is addicting but also a time drain, colossal waste of time that's like junk food for one's brain: feeding tons of useless information about other people's lives and the latest internet trends and perverting the English language into memes and gifs. And yet I continue to hit the blue button with a white "f" on it every so often instinctively as "brain candy." Sigh. 

As an alternative to the past picture, I'll write a letter to myself in 2009, hoping somehow that in the various time-space continuums that that letter would somehow make it back to myself during that time. 

Hi 2009 Robert, 

What's up! It's 2019 Robert. It's been quite a 10 years since, but you survived! Laser eye surgery worked out quite well, forget about all the adjusting of glasses, prescription changes, you will live glasses-free for the next 10 years and eventually forget you even wore glasses! Which is convenient because you will play a new game called dodgeball that's gonna get you hooked for the entire decade, and you'll be surprisingly good at it and enjoy indulging that competitive edge that you haven't done so since your high school chess days. 

Enjoy the rest of your law school days! Even though it will be a long 3 years, you should enjoy as much as you can, even if you're worried about getting a job. Sometimes, life doesn't work out like you expect but still rewards you for hard work and perseverance: trying to improve yourself is never a bad thing, even if it doesn't necessarily have immediate results. Sometimes, (this applies to the other facets of your life too) it pays to take risks when you're still young and barely in your 20's, as you'll still have the rest of your life to make up for the mistakes. (Just don't do anything too stupid like violating laws or anything- on that note, try not to get too many parking tickets, they kind of add up over time). 

BUY STOCKS! I cannot emphasize this enough. Some stocks will have gone up 3x, 5x, 7x, even 10x by now in what is one of the most glorious bull runs in modern history. Investing early will set you up for the rest of your life; take care of your personal finances. 

Finally, regarding your love life... you will eventually meet the love of your life and marry her, but it might not be right away, and there's this whole awkward online dating phase that you have to get through first. Try not to get too caught up on rejection and let it ruin your chances; if you have anything to say to a girl, gather up your courage and say it directly, so that you won't regret it in the future and wonder what if your whole life. Say how you feel to people you like, and especially people you love like your parents, or eventually your partner in life. It'll make you feel better and them feel better. (Unless you're being super creepy or shady in stalking someone, then just kind of let it go- Let it go, let it go). 

I suppose I should write a letter to myself in 10 years, too, right? (This is turning out to be like the post I wanted to write to celebrate the 1000th post of this blog, but it's happening now I guess). 

Hey Robert of 2029, 

How'd the 2020's go? So many questions, so little time. Hopefully you haven't messed everything up, the world hasn't collapsed on itself due to climate change, and Facebook isn't as important in your life anymore? Maybe all that language learning of East Asian languages finally paid off and you have a nice stable job somewhere utilizing the skills that you've developed over the years? I know by age 42 you'll maybe hit a mid-life crisis or something, but your 2019 self is trying to cherish as many memories as possible while still relatively young before it gets too late! I've also sacrificed some good experiences and slogged through late nights at work just to set you up for good financial health (and relationship health with your wife) so appreciate it! I hope the family is still going strong, and it's probably time for you to start or already have taken over taking care of your parents?  I know that in 2019 at least your ultimate hope, after doing the whole touring the world and seeing everything thing, is to settle down with MJ and live a long and meaningful life with the family, so I really hope that future somehow resembles your present, even if it's not exactly how I envision it now. Most importantly, I hope you wake up every day with the same positive outlook and can share that with the people around you and can still make MJ laugh and make yourself laugh, as well as make your (future son/daughter) laugh? And you named the cat Paddington after you and MJ's favorite movie, right? . 

And please tell me at least one of my stocks tripled in the ten years and made it all worth it. Is it Nividia? Please tell me it's Nividia. I went out like a champion in dodgeball, right? They retired my number, got in the Dodgeball Hall of Fame, right? Whatever happens, at least I know I'll have 10 years of blog posts to catch up on and indulge in the selected stories that I choose to write. 

Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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