Monday, July 24, 2017

Slouching- 猫背 [ねこぜ (nekoze)

Image result for slouching

I have a slouching problem. My mother has it, my sister has it. Our family, collectively doesn't stand up straight. Maybe if was hereditary, maybe it started at a young age, maybe I was watching my parents walk and emulated them, maybe I was ashamed of my acne and tried to hide my face as much as possible by slouching, maybe I just has no confidence and felt inferior to others, for some reason my back took the form of the "cat-like" shape that the Japanese language has used to describe this type of phenomenon, or disfigurement, or disease, whatever you want to call it. It's a problem because it tends to get worse, as gradually my shoulders droop lower and lower and my natural walk changes. They say that bad habits take 1 month or 28 days to correct, but how long does a bodily function or everyday activity take to correct? Hard to say, but gotta start now, especially with more and more pictures coming out, and videos of myself. I look at myself in pictures and kind of cringe when I see myself, I really don't notice it when I'm living my daily life, but I'm sure others do. I'm sure most people notice it, but only close friends/ MJ give me the heads up. Appreciated! 

I also brush my teeth too hard, or so my dentist told me a year ago when I last saw him. I didn't believe him until one day I found that I was gripping my toothbrush in a fist, like I was holding on to dear life on a roller coaster ride, white knuckle style. That's too hard and wears down the enamel on the teeth, apparently. Just small, light strokes are the key (kind of like dodgeball, it's precision + accuracy over power). 

Slouching and brushing too hard are examples of "Lifestyle demerits"- these are what I call these minor things in life that add up over time cuz we do it every day, to the point of not noticing it and letting the problem fester, finally resulting in it snowballing it into big problems. They're glossed over in the media/ general society because there's more pressing things to address like not doing drugs or shaving, but very underrated. We know about obvious ones like biting ones fingernails, but some are just involuntary and almost impossible to detect. (For some reason, I grow these tiny things called boogers in my nose all the time. Gross but true).

Not blinking enough is a serious one- most people don't count how often they blink, but over a long time it adds up, ones guys get dry, become sore, and eyesight gets worse. Eyesight gets worse is my most feared lifestyle demerit- I wore glasses before laser eye surgery and it was not the best time; I wouldn't want to revert back anytime soon, and I check my vision once in a while to make sure I'm not regressing (probably exacerbating the problem by wearing down the vision). 

earwax building- one day you just wake up and your ears are clogged. Happens ALL the time.

Shaking my leg while sitting- just a nervous tick, but MJ gets really upset at me cuz it's related to the myth of "shaking all the good luck out of the body." I need all the luck I can get.

How do I deal with these lifestyle demerits? Just got to commit myself to reminders all the time, write it in this blog, email myself, take videos of myself all the time and look at it.

Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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