Saturday, July 8, 2017

보스 ( 3 bosses)

Image result for boss

I now have 3 bosses to answer to in my life.

1.) Work boss- works in same office, see her every day, say hi, have to be nice to each other, has her own rules imposed by HER boss, but otherwise pretty laidback, no deadlines, allows us to eat in the office, allows for pretty flexible hours, sometimes forgets to tell us scheduled off days at work. Consequences of getting this boss upset: awkward running into each other while going to the bathroom, get bad job evaluations, worst case get fired from job, lose income.

2.) Mom boss- have lived under her rules for 30 years now and pretty used to it, but still can get tiring if spent too much time with her. Can get very bossy to the point of "micromanaging," but knows she means well. Consequences of getting this boss upset: get guilty for making mom upset (probably trumps everything else), a VERY awkward dinner, and possibly less Christmas/ birthday gifts. Also my dad and other family members would possibly get upset

3.) MJ boss- still learning a lot about her rules, but no I will be spending the longest time of the 3 with them so have to route the rules to long-term memory, like studying for a test that lasts forever. Will not be super bossy about rules but the sheer number of rules makes me "slip up" sometimes which leads to a complaint. Consequences of getting this boss upset: lots of complaints about my behavior and "I told you to this why didn't you do it!"'s , the silent treatment, heavy sighing (I am guilty of this too), worst case an argument will break out that involves other inherent issues. Luckily MJ USUALLY tells me what's troubling her instead of having me have to guess what's wrong.

Bosses usually are associated with a negative image, from "Office Space" or "Horrible Bosses," "The Office," or any number of bad movies, but luckily I've been somewhat lucky in avoiding some crazy bosses. Bosses are important as a motivator to keep everyone on track and so everyone enjoys (a nice home or getting paid at real jobs), but sometimes can forget or just not realize the effect on their subordinates. I've always been someone who tried not to be too bossy, to delegate tasks liberally and let others employ their methods to solve their task (a very American way of bossiness) so I sometimes get irked or angered when I'm too heavily bossed around since it's not my preferred away of taking orders, but part of being a good "subordinate" is to adjust to the bosses' ways and hope that they will accommodate you later on ( doesn't always happen but hopefully bosses are where they are for a reason and can be considerate of others who they supervise since bosses at one time weren't bosses and know what it feels like).

A lot of people go their whole life wanting to be their own life so they can "be free," but I think whatever you do, there's gonna be someone "bossing" over you, whether it's the police watching your speed while driving or the government "bossing around" your income or the moral police telling you you should donate. Whatever is, we all have numerous bosses, and how we handle being told what to do can define how smoothly our life runs. Sometimes, you gotta be the subordinate first before you become the boss.

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