Wednesday, February 1, 2017

FantasySportguru 10-year Anniversary: 記念日

Coming up on the 10 year anniversary of this blog! YAY! I can remember back in February 2007 deciding to set up a blog about fantasy sports because I (thought I) knew so much about it to call myself a "guru," to eventually expand my readership. Ah the good ol' days, let me celebrate by comparing my life as it is now 10 years later to that of 10 years ago:

Goal of the blog
2007: to make a website about fantasy sports and make a name for myself.
2017: to chronicle my life and introduce Chinese/Japanese concepts to others, entertain my girlfriend MJ from time to time when she reads.

What I do nowadays:
2007: I sit in front of a computer at my dorm wasting time on the internet, occasionally doing required work for school
2017. I sit in front of my computer at the office dawdling on the internet, (a little more than) occasionally doing work for the company I work for.

2007: Awkward and forced, still feeling my way for the timing
2017: got the rhythm down but still botch some, now more sarcastic and self-deprecating, due to being bogged down by life.

2007: to get on reality TV, become famous, make it big in the world at all costs. I remember distinctly wanting to have superpowers after watching the show "Heroes"
2017: to just get through life, be successful, have a family and live a happy life. Trying to acquire slightly above average powers by learning new languages.

Body weight:
2007: 180 after a bit of freshman 5 impact.
2017: after some peaks and valleys, still around 180. Slightly overweight for a 5'10'', 29 year old, slightly more dangerous now going on 30.

Primary exercise activity:
2007: going to the gym to play pickup basketball
2017: going to the gym to play dodgeball, running (trying to put in 2-3 miles a day), lifting weights to get some muscle tone (not even contemplated in 2007)

Experience with girls:
2007: none
2017: I found the one I love after failed experiences with online dating.

Attitude towards family/relationships:
2007: not even thinking about it, but wanted a kid eventually so that kid could compete in the spelling bee that I didn't get a chance to do (how messed up with that?)
2017: want to start a family to share my love with others.

Musical preferences:
2007: Listened to Avril Lavigne and Kelly Clarkson
2017: listen to Selena Gomez and Katy Perry. Basically not much has changed

Prowess at fantasy sports:
2007: perceived to be high, trying to spend more time mastering the art, excited about the future.
2017: learned that depending on the sport, it's dependent on luck, and treat it more as a game than life, don't take too seriously, am trying to cut back.

What I eat:
2007: Whatever's available, get pizza or fast food usually, make some ramen noodles, go home to parents' home occasionally and mooch some free food
2017: Same, still don't consistently make my own food

Favorite movies:
2007: Independence Day
2017: Independence Day and some others.

Attitude towards becoming a lawyer:
2007; Starting to think about it, took the LSAT in the summer, didn't know what I was getting into, but was excited about it going straight to law school after undergrad
2017: What was I thinking? Didn't know practicing law would be like this, but at least now I know, and it's......not all bad? Haha.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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