Tuesday, February 14, 2017

出産 (Childbirth)

One of the toughest topics for a guy to talk about with women (at least for me) is childbirth: the process of getting pregnant, going through the 9 month pregnancy period, and then finally, the dreaded birth itself, whether it's natural or via C-section: it's just not a pleasant topic, and reminds some how lucky it is to be a guy (both men and women). Obviously there's exceptions and everyone is different, but I'm ready to concede on one of the age old questions: Is it tougher to be a man or woman? A: woman, exhibit A- childbirth. 

From everything that I hear, childbirth is horrible. My mother delivered me through Cesearan, and 10 years later delivered my sister through C-section as well, and she still has the scars on her belly to prove it. I thought (until today!) that it was just a rosy experience that came and went, just like normal surgery, let the doctors put you under anesthesia and wake up and it's all done, but apparently it hurts A LOT after the procedure is done, waking up to massive pain in the belly due to the cutting. (There's a scene in Prometheus that is a C-section scene delivering an alien baby, not pleasant). 

Other advantages of being a man and a woman (don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging about being a man or being sexist in any way, I'm just counting my blessings and giving due credit on this, Valentine's Day. I know we have Mother's Day to appreciate mothers, but I think Valentine's is a good surrogate for a Women Appreciation Day, a day to give chocolates and flowers to women to say, "yes you're appreciated," a consolation gift if you will and before the dreaded pregnancy period). 

1.) World is a man's bathroom......it's apparently just easier. 
2.) subsequently cuz of No.1, shorter lines at a crowded public restroom. 
3.) time of the month- it does not seem pleasant. 
4.) cultural expectations regarding sexual promiscuity- men are praised for sleeping around, women are chastised. Really a disappointing aspect of society, and men everywhere who do it should be ashamed of themselves. 
5.) Physically weaker- not trying to be sexist, it's just women's bodies are built differently. I like figure skating and gymnastics as much as the next person, I like the gracefulness of diving and body contortions, but men on average just have more muscle massage, are built bigger and physically stronger. It sucks for women when it comes to personal safety, because the big guys also could be attracted to the woman and stalk them, and in some extreme unfortunate cases rape and murder them (really sad case of an Ohio State student just recently who was a victim). It happens over and over again, and it's because males can physically overpower women and have a high sex drive and affinity for women (as opposed to most women, who don't feel sexually attracted to women). 
Unfortunately, women's biggest fears should be men.......they're the most dangerous, whether it's breaking their hearts, letting them down, physically abusing them, or worse. 
6.) Men, according to some scientific data and anecdotal evidence, are prone to tendencies of spreading their seed around, finding as many spouses as possible, and that's been hashed out throughout history of kings and emperors finding many wives......(it's all those dudes with multiple wives v. like one Cleopatra who had multiple male partners). Women seem to be more family-oriented and thus reliant on one man, and once they've made up their mind they stay loyal, which is where you get all the stories of older men abandoning women for younger, more attractive women, who are young enough to be their daughter. Sigh, some men are just not very loyal unfortunately. C'mon, guys. 

Bottom line is, now that men in most countries around the world aren't required to go off to battle and risk their lives for the most part to defend one's country and families, once the risk of death is substantially taken off the table, it's just better to be a man in this world. I am very lucky in that regard, as my girlfriend constantly reminds me. Happy Valentine's Day! 

Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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