Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sushi-making experts (寿司職人)

Part 2 of my dissection of interesting news stories around the world! 

1.) Japan has always been very picky about who prepares its sushi, with sushi "experts" training for many years (7-10 is what I've heard, almost more time than it takes to develop a capable NFL quarterback) to be certified to prepare sushi. First of all, REALLY? I don't see what the big fuss is about sushi, as it just seems like you get the fish, you cut the fish, you roll the fish, you add rice. There doesn't seem anything tremendously magical about it to me, but Japan places a heavy emphasis on getting all the details correct. Anyway, the sushi preparation industry has traditionally been dominated by men, but recently a wave of female sushi preparers have arisen. It's a great sign for equality, especially for male-dominated hierarchies in the Asian countries like Japan, Korea. Unfortunately in America it's kinda going opposite, as Donald Trump has antagonized most women in America which prompted the Women's March yesterday, where women in large populations all across the country demonstrated their distaste for the newly inaugurated president by marching and holding up funny signs like "You're Fired!" or "This Pussy grabs back," etc. 

2.) Gusiness's world records are set every year, and it's becoming wackier and wilder every year. I know the University of Irvine holds the record for largest dodgeball game ever at like 20,000 or so participants, and in 2015 the record was set for number of people gathered together to howl at the moon. (464 people to act like werewolves). It started as a way to record the extremes in life, and now it's become an extreme way to make history, always thinking of creative ways to do things. I used to buy the Guiness World Records each year that it came out, with wacky pictures and silly things that people do. Maybe one day I or some group will hold the Guiness World Record for the most times ever woken up by someone else snoring? 

3.) A woman in Kuwait filed for divorce and instead of citing "irreconcilable differences" with her husband (the most common reason given and most general, vague to avoid hurt feelings, more questions) she cited that she couldn't tolerate her husband's table manners anymore, saying the final straw was that he used pieces of bread to scoop up peas that he had spilled onto the table and ate them. Dare I say, that didn't seem......too bad? This isn't a problem for us, but I could see myself getting upset enough to divorce someone because of their constant snoring. 

4.) Cupcake ATM- there's one in Chicago. It's very dangerous for one's waistline. 

5.) Big Gulp, 7-11, Jamba Juice, basically any kind of XL drink (extra large drink) is really bad for one's health based on the amount of sugar they put into it. A solid structure like a cookie or brownie isn't great but at least one can gauge how many calories/ how much sugar is in one based on how it looks. XL drinks, however, are liquid and it's apparently shocking how much sugar one needs to put into to get the sweet sugary taste. One of those drinks is like consuming 3 bags of fat, which from a visual standpoint is much more alarming and terrifying. On a personal note, I started changing shape and losing weight ever since I stopped drinking sweet drinks (soda, gatorade, and my favorite, the Razzmatazz from Jamba Juice), so I believe. Basically, anything that tastes probably bad for one's health, unfortunately. 

Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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