Thursday, January 12, 2017

Apple (りんご)

It took me a long time, almost 30 years of my life, but I've come to full realization of something fundamentally simple: human bodies can talk. I'm not just talking about the sounds bodies make, for example, grumbling when food needs to go into the body, and yes, grumbling when food needs to go OUT of the body (and you need to go to the restroom), and the body talks while sleeping (see last post on snoring). One's body is like one's cranky boss at the office: when all is going well, the body doesn't say much, you get no feedback, just enjoy those times. When someone's going wrong, though, the body will be quick to send complaints, customer surveys, make noise, cry like a baby, make extravagant demands, etc., etc.

One of the most obvious signs the body makes is regarding food: the body responds well to certain foods, poorly to others. Certainly bad food is superior to no food, at which point the body just presses the off button and shuts down, never willing to do anything else ever again. However, good food (like apples!) will make the body a lot happier than bad food. I can feel it in my daily life, how I enjoy it more after having an apple, how I can run faster, have more energy. Feed it oily and unhealthy food, and the body behaves like a recalcitrant teenager: the mind can try to get it to get up out of bed and get a job as many times as it wants, but the teenager isn't gonna be willing, and it's gonna make it hard on you, telling your mind STOP! STOP! STOP! until it finally convinces the mind to do what it wants, if only out of pure frustration. That's why doctors probably say having an apple a day is a good idea, and it's just a good policy to do so.

That's why I've finally decided to listen to what my body is telling me to do, rather than go against the grain a lot of times and keep forcing it "cuz I'm a tough guy."

Other signs of the body telling you what to do, or at least strongly hinting:

1.) If I don't blink enough at my computer, my eyes start to get uncomfortable. Not painful or anything, but just dry...not enough blinks to allow for proper hydration.

2.) If you keep nodding off at work or during the day, it means you didn't get good enough sleep the previous night. Try getting better sleep, or monitor if you didn't

3.) If your pee is too yellow, you need to drink more water. Human beings need to drink about 8 cups of water a day. I'm the biggest water guy around, and even I most times don't reach that amount.

4.) When your shoulder/ some other body part hurts while playing dodgeball, probably stop throwing with that arm for awhile-- anyone who's ever watched a baseball game can tell a pitcher who's hurt trying to keep throwing and then eventually we find out he has a significant injury and needs surgery.

5.) If you're supposed to go to the dentist..........DON'T GO TO THE DENTIST. It's a fabrication to have people go to doctors so frequently (twice a year) Unless your mouth is bleeding all the time, then do go see a dentist.

Keep listening to your body!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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