Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Younger Sister (妹)



1。) 妹妹属鼠,我属兔,我们俩都胆子很小。万圣节时候去鬼屋,我妹妹不太敢一个人进去,轮到我们的时候非要握着我的手才敢进,说实话我也吓得半死,勉勉強強地小步前进。 过山车更不行了,连排队都不敢排。我也同感,排队经常可以看到那车有多高,听到别人的喊叫,我也有点提心吊胆的。


3。) 打牌的时候喜欢拍桌子。我们家四人打四十分,妹妹刚学了一回儿还不太会打,但明摆着是赢牌的时候,她会很积极地把牌摘出来,用力砸在桌子上,生怕别人不知道她的利害,越大声越好。

4。) 妹妹拿筷子和铅笔都有点怪,不是标准的拿法,但是肉是掐地到的,写出来的字也马妈虎虎读的通,就没跟她计叫了。不过总有点觉得她手是爪的。

5.) 她跟我一样,喜欢日本文化和食品,特别喜欢寿司和漫画。可能夫母很可怜,把两个中国人孩子养那么大据然变成日本鬼的粉丝了。

My sister is 19 years old this year. Since her birth I've always looked down at her as immature and not acting her age. Sure, she has a lot of flows, but recently I came to the realization that I might have expected too much of her, and that as a brother I should be more gentle and supportive and let my parents take the parental role of criticizing and shaping her life. I should just be there to give rides when needed and helpful suggestions like which Mexican restaurant to go to. I honestly should not worry too much about her future, and it's better to wait until I have y own kids to boss them around. 
 Much like my grandpa, Emily has a lot of interesting things about her: 

1.) In the Chinese zodiac my sister is rat, I'm a rabbit, and naturally we're both kind of wimpy in real life. During Halloween we used to go to haunted houses together, and she was so scared that she needed to hold my hand before daring to go in. To be frank, I was pretty scared too and progressed forward step by step, hesitantly. ( I don't get scared, I get STARTLED). Roller coasters are out of the question, as we don't even get in line for those before wimping out. It's the sound of people screaming at the top of the ride that gives me the creeps and fazes me.

2.) My sister is surprisingly knowledgeable about blood types, and she could go on and on about it for half a day.  It's one of the few topics she studied really hard and applied her mind to the topic, a great way to study something is to be interested in it. When it comes to her own genes, she says I stole all of the good genes from our parents and left her with inferior ones. Sorry, sis.

3.) My sister loves to pound the table while playing cards. Our family of 4 plays a Chinese game similar to bridge, and my sister just picked it up, so she's not terribly good at it. But when she knows she's gonna win and it's her turn to play, she'll slam her card down with authority, annoucning her victory for all to know. The louder the better, as if someone wouldn't be able to hear her.

4.) My sister has a weird way of holding chopsticks and writing utensils. It's not the standard way and not what they teach you in school to do, but she can grasp food with the chopsticks and write generally legibly (although, needs some work) so I haven't complained about it much. But I kind of think her hand is like a claw and remind her of it all the time.

5.) Not unlike me, my sister appreciates Japanese culture and Japanese food, especially sushi and manga. I fell bad for my Chinese parents, raising children who became traitors to thir Chinese heritage by embracing the enemy Japanese. O well, the world is a large place, can't embrace anything without offending somebody. 

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