Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Earwax (耳くそ)

Today's topics are a little gross, but bear with me, there's a lesson here!

Earwax.... everyone has it, but some have it more than others. I first learned that my ears produce a lot of earwax when I thought my ears were clogged and went to see an ear doctor......the doctor took one look into my ear with his device, smiled, and said I "had a lot of potatoes," and proceeded to dig out a gold mine of ear wax. Apparently the earwax had accumulated so much that they were blocking the listening shaft, a very difficult task according to the ear doctor. Once he had cleared all the earwax, it was like a whole new world for me (literally I could hear Disney's "A Whole New World" song from Aladdin playing and I could hear a lot more than I could before, almost to the extent of being too loud ( my own voice suddenly seemed to be booming and truculent, something that might have affected others without my knowledge for a long time). My car radio which was usually set at 20 seemed to be blasting sound at me, and I had to take it down several notches to like 12. My ear almost felt naked. Then 2 days later the earwax grew back, and I couldn't hear all the nuances anymore. That's how earwax works: it's actually a protective layer like bodyguards to help prevent outside things and even noise, but my ear's bodyguards seemed a little overambitious and believers of Manifest Destiny, taking over my whole ear.

For those who also suffer from this non-fatal but highly embarrassing disease of mass earwax manufacture, I do NOT suggest going to a doctor (easiest 100 bucks + that he ever made, digging out my earwax). A earwax removal kit should do the trick, although my earwax was so firm and numerous and stuck in there that it took numerous attempts for me to do so. My girlfriend (god bless her heart) alieves some of my earwax troubles by digging in with a cue tip, but my ears are different from each other in that the opening to get to the earwax is smaller for the left than the right, so the left ones are left largely unscathed until I have to do a mass cleanup at some point. Suffice it to say, it's not very fun.

The lesson is, get into a good habit or stuff builds up. Just like flossing (apparently I didn't know people should floss once every day!) things don't appear to be a problem right away, but because of the gradual day-by-day buildup, eventually one day you wake up and your ears are clogged because there's so much earwax buildup, or your dentist says you have too much tartar/plaque/ cavities (although anyone reading my blog knows how much I dislike dentists), or you wake up one day really overweight and feeling fat (my worst fear, not noticing that I've been gaining pounds because one doesn't really notice one's own body until it becomes painfully obvious via pictures, other people commenting, etc.

Speaking of unhygenic subjects, there's gotta be some rules implemented in the men's bathroom. I don't know how it works for females (I think they all have their own personal stalls, which helps, but men need to be careful about urinals and um, "overreaching their boundaries." I've stood next to other gentlemen who can't keep the stream controlled and "spill over" the edge of the world, shall we say, and the debris lands somewhere near my foot. There's also splatter and staining of the floor, etc. Men, get your act together. Also, there's the matter of "getting gassy" in the restroom. Sure it's a restroom, but I feel like the common decency is to go into one of the stalls to let the air out of one's tires, rather than subject anyone who uses the restroom to what one had for lunch. And wipe! It's like going into the wild, don't leave anything there that wasn't there before (like your remnants!) Ugh!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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