Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Weird Reasons I Can't Sleep


Recently I’ve had several bouts of being unable to sleep, which is strange because I’m usually a very sound sleeper and can pass out within 2 minutes of closing my eyes. Sometimes I fall asleep even when I don’t want to! So all the more surprising why I can’t fall asleep sometimes, and drawing on my experiences, I’ve deciphered some of the reasons. Pay attention, because these might apply to you, and you can avoid all of the turning, tossing, lamenting, and fretting over lost time because I’m lying in bed and doing nothing.


1.)    I’m too nervous/ excited about something coming up the next day. Ex: taking the LSAT (law school admission test) the night before. Suggested remedy: don’t think about it so much. Hard to implement. Probably drugs are required. Actually, pills are probably a useful remedy in all of these situations.

2.)    Not being tired enough……this actually happens because you don’t exercise enough or you didn’t go outside for the whole day. Suggested remedy: Exercise every day, that way you don’t forget to do it.

3.)    Worrying about fantasy baseball- I’ve actually heard this one. Worred about whether Adam Wainwright will have Tommy John surgery, for example, or if Carlos Gonzalez will ever reach his potential, would be concerns that keep fantasy managers up late at night. Suggested remedy: consult fantasy sports blogs and get professional help.

4.)    Your sleep schedule is so messed up that your body doesn’t know what to do anymore. This happens if you go on weekend Vegas excursions or pulling all-nighters in advance of important exams. Also common for overseas travelers adjusting to the time difference, aka jet lag. Suggested remedy: try to maintain a healthy schedule and get back to waking up at a certain time every day.

5.)    You’re secretly hungry but your stomach/brain doesn’t register it. You know how you fall asleep easier after a big meal? Well I think the opposite also applies, where not getting enough to eat keeps you up, your body needing something to put it to rest. Suggested remedy: well scheduled meal times.

6.)    The snowball effect: you get frustrated from not being able to sleep. Not sure if this is just coincidence or what, but certainly been long nights of wondering “Why can’t I sleep?” that cause even more anxiety and lack of sleep. Suggested remedy: Take a deep breath, count to 100 slowly. Think of nothing but those numbers or sheep. Rinse and repeat.

7.)    It’s too hot in here! (Or too cold) for those not sensitive enough to temperature, the room conditions can definitely play a role.

8.)    Caffeine- biggest reason for me in early days. I don’t have much tolerance to caffeine, so even a coke drunk at 7PM might keep me up at 12PM. Suggested remedy: don’t have caffeine! Most of that stuff is bad for you anyway, but if you insist on having coffee, do it in the morning.

9.)    You are an attorney working on cases that strain your conscience and you lie awake at night in a cold sweat of immense guilt and self-loathing. OK this is a joke, but there might be something about conscience and anxiety about what you’re doing. Suggested remedy: Don’t become an attorney, serial killer, or renegade terrorist cell.

Happy dreams!
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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