Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dating Life Horror Stories for Halloween

Recently I was at a Starbucks and witnessed one of the most awkward moments in my life: a man coming from the street asking the woman next to me if she was single (after confessing that “she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen,”) and the woman promptly breaking the news that she was married. Devastating. I felt bad, almost as awkward as watching an Office episode sometimes, getting that cringing feeling and not wanting to see the car crash. But is that the worst kind of rejection I’ve ever had? The different ways I’ve been rejected:
1.)    Going to Vegas with a girl, rooming IN THE SAME HOTEL ROOM and then when out gambling, random guy cuts in and asks girl “if we were together.” She says “No.” Ouch.
2.)    Sending out “hopefully intriguing” emails on and just getting no reply. That’s not that uncommon and actually preferred over some of these others.
3.)    Asking if a girl was available over the phone after texting back and forth and basically just being told no.
4.)    Asking a different girl who had gone to tennis with and chatted for months if she wanted to go out, told “she was too busy.”
5.)    Asked a girl at work (temporary position, was leaving the position soon) by card (attached a flower to the note writing a large section asking to get coffee sometime, and was sent an email later that night indicating “maybe at a later time.” Yea ,this was a confusing time…..why did I send a card, you ask? It’s complicated and has to do with “not getting the timing down when the co-worker was leaving work to ask personally as well as mental lapses caused by being “restructured” (Japanese euphemism for being let go).
Yea so a lot of NOs. Fortunately I’ve gotten a few “yes’s” in my life so I haven’t gone totally crazy, but what I’ve learned is that usually when a girl wants you to ask them out, they’ll give some hints, and you gotta pounce on those (I didn’t pounce on several “could be’s” that could have turned out to be “yes’,” and when a girl doesn’t want you to ask them out, you’ll probably know. Again, life is difficult when you’re not a movie star/very  handsome/good-looking. Again, I liken dating to buying houses or any other type of goods in supply: the best-looking houses will get snatched up quickly because most people objectively like that house, the lesser ones eventually might get picked but it’ll take some time and some massive selling for someone to go in and take a deeper look……..which might lead to GOLD! (Yes, I’m comparing myself to gold). Gosh, I really hope I can look back at these last couple posts and be able to laugh and not have it be just the beginning of a downward spiral of bad experiences.
Anyway, lots going on in fantasy right now……October, as I’m sure has been mentioned by me on this blog as well as lots of sports experts everywhere, is (along with March and April) the best sports month in the year, and it just passed. Baseball ended (congrats to the Boston Red Sox, possibly gate-to-gate the best team in baseball all year, unlike previous champions San Francisco Giants and St. Louis Cardinals), football’s in full swing, and basketball just kicked off.
Here’s Bobby’s Novel Betting Theory: Just look up what the majority of people are betting on, and just take the opposite. I just tried it on ESPN Pick’em league today, went a very snappy 8 for 12, should have went  8 for 11 if not for the Texans blowing a 24-6 lead at halftime after their coach collapsed on the field and losing 27-24 to lose a +2.5 spread. (Yea, I was not happy).

Bobby’s new “becoming an adult” theory:  In almost all fantasy leagues nowadays I’m starting to embrace a “this guy finally is becoming an adult” theory, where I try to get guys who are entering their 3rd, 4th, 5th years depending on the sport. I think this has a lot to do with me personally gaining experience in the world (my 2nd full year in the “real world” and understanding that maturity and experience sometimes trump skill and resisting the ever-so-tempting hype of a pure-talent rookie. This doesn’t always apply and sometimes applies differently for different positions, like QB (the older the better, really) v. RB’s (the younger the better) but definitely applies in baseball and basketball. I like Nicholas Batum (5th year) more than Kyrie Irving (2nd year), etc.
And as Alfonso Soriano, David Ortiz and Carlos Beltran proved this year (they were key cogs on my fantasy team too, btw), age can sometimes be a boon, not a deterrent.
Gravity is a great movie. The way a 3D movie truly should be. Do not watch Captain Phillips if you get seasick. I got seasick AT THE MOVIE.

The more I think about Halloween, the more I think of how great a holiday it is. Other countries don’t have it; definitely something the people should rally behind. It’s not just for little kids; sure there’s the built-in component of candy on Halloween and scary movies and what not, but one of the essential themes behind Halloween is dressing up as someone else: being able to dress like someone that’s not you for a day, take up a different identity, whether that be a superhero, a villain, a monster, a profession, a celebrity, a cartoon character, whatever, you take on the characteristics of that person and can act like that person without fear of being accused of hypocrisy or shameless pandering. We’re ourselves 364 days (sometimes even 365) days of the year, it’s good sometimes to take up another personality, see life through another’s shoes, mix it up a little bit. I’m sure most people, if not all, have wondered what it is like to be someone else for a day; I know I think about it about every day. To be able to just change personalities, change your entire way of life, now that’d be powerful. Halloween allows you to do that (with the caveat of not being able to do so permanently as well as the knowledge that you aren’t really that thing) for a day. I think that’s really powerful and should be embraced, not only in this country as a holiday that’s more significant that the no-official-recognition-you-still-have-to-go-to-school/work status it has now and in other countries as a holiday worth having.
My favorite expression (ichiban-suki na kotoba) in Japanese currently is: giri-giri maniatta!, meaning “barely making it on time,” which happens all the time in L.A. due to traffic, if not being late altogether. Also it just sounds cool. That and “Daijobu desu.” (meaning it’s OK!)

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan 

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