Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Many faces of Bobby Yan

I do not have multiple personality disorder. (I’m pretty sure). However, I do feel that I “am a different person” some days than others. On different days I’m more outgoing, more athletic, more sarcastic, more contemplative, more paranoid……….it’s like an old cartoon (can’t even remember the name which defeats the whole purpose of the reference) where each day another “version” of Bobby like takes over the body, like “Bobby 2.0” or “Sporty Bobby” or “Confident Bobby” takes over for the day, and the next day another prototype takes over. And I’m actually dead serious about this; I think people are different on different days, despite what their features, voice, and all other physical appearances might suggest. Seriously, aren’t people just better on Fridays than Mondays? Anyways, here’s just ten (10!) of the different personalities of Bobby Yan that you might meet on any given day:
1.)    Funny Bobby: sometimes the comedic humor of this guy just overwhelms you. It’s not the quality of each individual joke, it’s the volume of little wisecracks that this guy can heap on. A pistol.
2.)    Vendetta Bobby: In a bad mood, and out to prove something, or just to prove that he’s right about something. (Something, ANYTHING!) Don’t mess with this guy, and he apologizes in advance.
3.)    Hermit Bobby: Doesn’t want to do anything besides stay home despite the beautiful California weather. He shows up more often than he should.
4.)    Contemplative Bobby: goes on hour-long drives just to “think about” life. Deep.
5.)    Chatty Bobby: Can’t stop talking. Likes hearing sound of his own voice. Usually shows up coincidentally on days Bobby has ingested a lot of caffeine/alcohol/artificial substance.
6.)    Athletic Bobby: channeling the athletic prowess of Bobby greats like Bobby Orr, Bobby Horry, Bobby Parish, etc., etc.
7.)    Anxiety Bobby- the guy who makes panic trades in fantasy baseball and sends off emails to friends begging for information on trivial matters. This guy “makes regrettable decisions.”
8.)    Studious Bobby: showed up a lot during first year of law school, bar exam studying. Guy’s a monster; could go 16 hours straight and work through lunch when needed without coffee or illegal drugs
9.)    Cynical Bobby: After going through various levels of dissatisfaction over the legal industry, the Bowl Championship system in college football, highway congestion in L.A., and all kinds of different malignant conditions, Bobby gets tired of it all and starts to whine about it.
10.)            Happy Bobby: Just happy to be alive and get through the day.

Realistically, it’s probably a blend of what I ate, what I’ve experienced during the day, how my fantasy team is doing (a big determinant of my overall mood on any given day) . Which of these 10 people will YOU meet when you go one-on-one with the Great One? (j/k).

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan 

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