Sunday, September 18, 2011

Random Thoughts - 10 things

1.Translating Chinese is a lot tougher than knowing Chinese.
1a. There are varying degrees of fluency in a language. There’s fluent, and then there’s native. I’m looking to be native.

2. The West Wing- well beyond its time. Best character: Admiral Fitzwallace.

3. Trying to find a sell high point on my DE stock; stock market is just unstable right now. Haven’t found an appropriate point to do it;
Biggest financial headline: Greece’s debt crisis, European banks struggling, unstable global economy.

4. “Updating your resume” – a concept that signifies that someone is about to be let go, or needs to find new employment, implying that their job is no longer secure. I’ve been updating my resume for 10 years.

5. How did Entourage ever last 8 seasons? It was good for about 3 seasons, then 4 and 5 kinda dragged, and it’s been a miracle they’ve stayed on the air for 6, 7, and 8. And every single guy on the show has to be the luckiest S.O.B. ever; they somehow wiggle out of problems that they create every time. Totally unrealistic. Alas, it’s a pretty addicting show regardless.
6. Wily Mo Pena sighting: the modern-day Glenallen Hill, this guy is a mammoth. The legendary Mariano Rivera puts him down easily, though, en route to his 600th save. Congratulations.
7. Is Facebook still as big as it ever was? Or is trending downhill? I’ve stopped using it as frequently, but it’s still a great resource to see what past friends are up to. A revolutionary invention, I think it’s proven it’s not a fad: Like the Internet, it’s here to stay for good. Just think of it as a modern Yellowbook: everyone basically needs one to look people upinstead of businesses.
8. Does everyone have a gmail account at this point? That’s also a pretty modern trend that’s here to stay.
9. I’m probably gonna lose my Chinese membership card for saying this, but I really don’t like mooncake. Some of them are good, but it’s risky….. for every good one there’s one that’s really dry, nutty, and all-in-all unpleasurable. Next Mooncake festival? I’ll pass. Anyone else have ethnic holidays that they don’t really understand and don’t really like anyway???
10. My sister’s high school schedules her for 2 hours of Physical Education class next semester, but this semester she has none. Seems like an obvious problem to me…….physical education is like lunch; you need it every day. What is someone going to do, gain a lot of weight the semester without P.E. and lose it all through physical exertion the next day? Ah, the good ol’ days of playing flag football and “sharks and minnows” in the swimming pool for gym. The good ol’ days.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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