Tuesday, June 7, 2011


For all students who are graduating from grade school, middle school, high school, college, or even law/medical/some sort of graduate school, congratulations. You made it. Obviously, lotsa people have great things to say about graduation; my words are far from the most articulate nor meaningful. However, the fact remains that graduating from ANY school is an accomplishment itself: it means you applied yourself, went through the rigorous curriculum of an accredited school system. Having gone through many school systems and graduated many times now, I know: graduating from a school is the end of an era, the end of a period of your life. Your life will basically never be the same. You won't do a lot of the things in your life again: you won't take that same route to the school anymore, you won't use your locker anymore, you won't go to Professor X's class anymore, you won't be a (high school, college, grad, whatever you are) student anymore.

But along with the end of an era, comes something much better: new opportunity. The start of a new era, a chance to do something great with the rewards you earned through getting through school. They say that after high school is when your life really begins: you leave your old friends, you go to college, you leave the home you grew up in, etc.......So for many students everywhere, this is where your life really begins. Enjoy.

Inevitably after getting through a school year, summer ensues. Some people go on to work interesting summer jobs; some go abroad; some take EXTRA summer classes; some take the summer off. High school graduates in China go on to take the biggest exam of the their lives: The college entrance exam.

For me, it's BarBri. (Studying for the California Bar).

BarBri's been going on for 3 weeks now. Spirit Waning. Mind tiring. Endurance deteriorating. Body weak. My team is all gone. Don't know how long I can continue doing this. Running out of air. Living on bare biscuits. It's only a matter of time now

.....Haha, not actually that bad, not the Armageddon end of days I described, but BarBri is definitely taking a toll.

I know I'm nervous about the test when I read BarBri outlines while I'm eating... A lawyer friend of mine said she thinks about certain topics on her runs, so I might have to do that. And when July comes around, it's really gonna be pressure-cooker time. Sigh. I have just begun to fight.

Fortunately (or not), my roommate has the MLB Extra Innings Mix, so i put that on mute, study my notecards, motivates me to sit down. But it also distracts me. I miss going to the gym, I miss going outside, I miss doing the normal things in life.....that part of my life has ended; BarBri is my life now.

Subject I feel worst about? Contracts. Lotta stuff I didn't learn. Subject I feel best about? Evidence. I'm on top of that. Does it matter? Not really..all you need to do is pass.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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