Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alison Grodner's Savior

Thursdays in Big Brother are famous for being the most exciting days of the week in Big Brother: If Big Brother was the NFL, Thursday would be the Sundays. The whole show is based off the Thursday live eviction day, the new HoH is crowned, the end of campaigning for last week's nominees, and positioning for power in a power shift.

I'm watching Thursday's live show and just absolutely scratching my head over who this Andrew guy is. Out of the THOUSANDS of people who apply for the show, casting cast THIS joker? Andrew, who is socially awkward, much too paranoid, doesn't answer people's questions unless he feels like it, repeatedly calls people stupid, and doesn't know how normal people interact, THAT Andrew? To instantly volunteering for being the mascot at the first HOH to doing the "banshee incident" to Annie to asking Enzo if he could be in his "gang" the first week and systematically alienating everyone in the house, Andrew was one of the WORST social gameplayers EVER in Big Brother history. It was like watching a little kid without any recognition of social skills trying to get along with the big kid at middle school......All awkwardness, no smoothness.

I was literally asking while watchign the whole exchange on Thursday, during Andrew's speech, "How did this guy get cast? How did he go through a series of interviews and convince producers that he would even survive for 2 months with 12 other strangers?" The ONLY answer that makes sense is that he saved Alison Grodner, the Executive Producer's, life. Seriously. That is the only reasonable explanation. It can't be sheer personality, it can't be cuz he's the only Jew that's ever applied to the show, it isn't his stunning good looks, and it isn't cuz he's a Big Brother Superfan. There is literally NO other reason why he would be cast on the show. Grodner HAS to owe him a favor. Maybe he's her podiatrist and discovered a rare foot condition and cured it. Maybe Grodner's dog fell in the lake and Andrew swam in after it and saved it from drowning. Something like this HAD to have happened... there's no other way.

As opposed to Season 11, where I had strong feelings about almost every single cast member, this season is being carried by 3 characters on the show: Brendon, Rachel, and Matt. And for comedic relief, you got the Amazing Enzo. Seriously, there is NO one else really worth caring about. Honestly, the Brenchel alliance has been mostly "bleh," but Rachel is growing on me. Brendan not so much because I've met plenty of very handsome but entitled guys like him in my life, but Rachel's a VERY VERY interesting woman and that was one of the best casting choices by Big Brother in a long long while. (makes up for Andrew a bit, I guess). She's the fiery red-head from Vegas with brains (chemistry degree) and actually some knowledge of BB history! (I'm impressed, even though she misremembers some stuff). And with 2 HOH's already won and a big presence on the show, she looks like she's on her way to Janelle-stardom. Part of me roots for her and wants her to stay in the house. More than I can say for most of the other houseguests.

Kristen being exposed as a huge bi-atch on TV, not accepting Rachel's apology on the live feeds. "Showing her true colors" = bad cliche, but that's what she's doing. She hasn't done anything interesting in the house but is showing a bit of a mean streak. I wouldn't want to hang out w/ her in the house as well. Britney and Rachel are much more easygoing and energetic and more open for guys to talk to. All these girls, as most Big Brother girls have been (few exceptions like Jordan), are pretty catty towards one another, lot of territorialness going on.

The HoH competition today was the epitome of one of the best things about Big Brother. One showmance going head-to-head against another showmance, mano-a-mano, tete-a-tete, and both of them got pretty far. Would've liked to see Rachel v. Kristen final matchup, but still delightful and satisfying at the end. All other HG's = background noise. This week was gonna be one of Brendon, Rachel, Hayden, or Kristen going home. And now we've narrowed it down to 2 (H or K). Good stuff. To the winners go the spoils, that's what HoH is all about.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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