Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Random summer thoughts

Watching a documentary called "Lucky," about real-life lottery winners. Seems like the theme is that lottery winners get VERY lucky one time in their lives, but aren't very lucky before OR after winning that lottery, with hitman trying to get them, relatives trying to control their money, bad investments, etc. For me, I consider myself a little lucky over the long term (good health, good family, good mind, good attitude, etc.). I'd rather have my kind of luck.

And honestly, I'd rather become a millionaire the old-fashioned way: Blood, sweat and tears. (Cross fingers)

A.J. Burnett and I have a love-hate relationship riddled with some domestic problems. However, our therapist named Eiland just came back from vacation, and we're doing very well now, thanks. 6+ innings of no-run ball and a win today. Nice work, bro.

I'm a Big Brother fan, but can't remember when BB switched from PB &J was the "punishment food" to slop. Pretty genius idea; there's people who actually LOVE PB &J.....from all I heard about slop, not so much.

I HATE late-inning pitching switches to get a left-hander in to face Adrian Gonzalez. Hey opposing managers, you're a bunch of WUSSIES!!!!!

State of the job market: read a very depressing article in the WSJ recently about the state of the job market, specifically for young college grads. Man, it's tough. The problem is, it wasn't our fault (speaking for all unemployed or underemployed young people) that we weren't working before the Great Recession hit, we were in college and honing our craft (or for most of us, drinking a lot and seldomly going to class). But still, it's the natural course of things. If given a choice, we would have probably started a job before the recesion and tried to keep it....instead of this quicksand that we're stuck in, with too many people looking for too few jobs in a job society that doesn't need us. And maybe it's just me, but it's just a very difficult feeling, knowing that what you're desperately looking for, they don't have enough to give us. We're unwanted, thrust aside, like there's something wrong with us. Picked last in junior high gym. Rejected by colleges. Turned down for a date. Same feeling. And it's not so much our fault......I guess if you studied nursing or a degree that still does well, you're OK, but for the rest of us, I don't think we could have ALL done nursing..

And honestly, for those seeking work, I'd say law schol is not the answer (the WSJ article echoed my sentiment). The legal job market is very saturated right now, and "fundamental" changes in the hiring model is a euphemism for "hiring less people." Sure, there's still starting salaries of $160,000 out there, but those are getting smaller and smaller, and you gotta be VERY very smart to get those.....I am not so much. And the debt that you incur for law school.....don't get me started. The law schools aren't gonna tell you the dirty truth, but those in law school know it well: If you're not getting significant scholarship money to go, and you're not going to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, or another Top 10 law program, it could very well be a bad investment to go. To a risk-averse, don't-like-debt-at-all sort of guy like me, I just don't think it's worth it.

Anyway, more fantasy baseball nuggets:

1. Luke Scott would have been a nice rec for you a week ago, but I think his annual 2-week hitting binge has passed: budget cuts have slowed his roll.
2. Yahoo! leagues don't have him yet, but Michael Pineda is a guy to pick up whenever he gets thrown in the pool. Could be this year's Tommy Hanson.
3. Raise your hand if you thought Andres Torres and Aubrey Huff would be great catalysts this year batting in an austere Giants lineup. Nope, not me.
4. Jose Bautista, YOU ARE RIDICULOUS!
5. This Jeremy Guthrie guy is very tempting to pick up, as he's a Stanford graduate, he has good peripherals, and his fastball's getting faster (to the tick of 97 MPH recently). However, like a tasty donut, this pitcher has some nasty side effects like pitching in the AL East (faces Boston, TB, and NY a lot), is on a bad team that won't win games for him, and older than 30. Ick. et him if there's no fireballers out there.
6. Wait what, Angel Pagan's the #3 hitter in the Mets' lineup?
7. I wouldn't rule out the dynamic duo of Carlos Lee and Lance Berkman having some more summer magic left.
8. Trevor Cahill....You done good, boy.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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