Monday, January 18, 2010

Flash Flood in LA

Title of the post has a double meaning representing the status of the weather conditions in LA as I write this, but also things that don't happen very often.....and it's the theme of this post.

1. Ridiculously flukey interception by Darrell Revis in the Jets-Chargers game yesterday that bounced in and out of VJax's hands, onto his backside, deflected off his leg, landed on someone's body, and finally into Revis's hands. Basically, everywhere but the ground. Turning point in a close game leading to my new favorite team's demise.

2. Global economic financial meltdown: Wasn't w/in the realm of possibilities before 2008. Why, o why did it have to happen right before recruiting season for my first professional job?

3. Me getting high grades in law school: I am what you call exactly the average law student. No matter how hard I study, no matter what new and innovative method I employ, I always get grades that are right around the median of my class, hence resulting in my fairly median GPA which in normal years would be sufficent to obtain a 2L summer associateship but in this legal economy, nada so far. I believe the phenomenon has to do with inherent legal abilities: It's like an academic ceiling that I can't just break through, I just don't have a superior legal mind like some of my classmates do. On the plus side, I work hard enough to avoid the lowest grades in the class, hence my position as it is now.

4. Nate Robinson having a sick game. This season Nasty Nate has been in the doghouse after shooting at the wrong basket and demanding a trade from the Knicks and ultimately landing on the bench, but in honor of MLK Day Nate getting fired up v. Pistons, with 27 points and 5 trey's so far. Niiiiice.

5. Weird line by Mike Miller today: 4-4 in FG, 4-4 in FT, 4 rebounds, 4 assists, and 4 turnovers. Translated by Chinese, that's death, death, death, death, death, death........

6. Snow, if you live in Southern California: Which explains why a lot of natives (from LA and SD) head over to Mammoth or Big Bear this time of year. My friends and I went to the former for some skiing this weekend and I was able to get some insight as to why my awkward skiing technique usually results in my face landing in a pile of snow.

7. four-hour season premiere over the course of 2 days: That's what 24 is doing, living up to its reputation of starting seasons off with a BANG!

8. All the stocks in your portfolio taking a dive: Well, actually, you probably saw a lot of that in the aforementioned 2008 financial crisis, but recently it hadn't happened until Friday, when I checked the tickers and there was not a green arrow to be found.....Not only was the DOW down, but EVERY security out there took some cuts. Look for a big rebound on Tuesday when investors look for discounts and put some more money back into a surging bull market.

9. A consumer products company admitting that their stuff was bad but that "Now it's really, really improved!" IMO this is a very risky move by Domino's, because as the common consumer I'm thinking, OK so they screwed up before, why should I try the new version just because they say it's good? Lemme wait until my friend tries it and tells me it's good instead of just goin' in there blind. It could be a big payoff if it works, but there's a reason you don't see those kind of ads that often: Too much risk for the return.

10. a 26-point, 26-rebound effort by Al Jefferson last Wednesday: Despite the blowup, he only had 1 block and didn't shoot that well, so it's still a mirage. We're just not seeing big stat lines from the big man that much this season, and my guess is there's an injury reason involved. Whatever it is, it's too late in the season to think it'll turn around, so trade him and massively sell his 26-rebound mirage.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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