Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Taking a page from Liz Lemon on 30 Rock, sometimes there's things that Reality TV contestants do that sabotage their chances of winning the show... a.k.a a "dealbreaker." Here's looking at some of the biggest moves in reality TV history (and maybe some other ones thrown in there as well).

1. Marcellus played a good game on Big Brother 3 and formed some good alliances w/ Danielle, Jason, and Amy, but he inexplicably decided NOT to use the power of veto on himself and was promptly voted out of the game.....that's a dealbreaker, folks.

2. Ozzie was rolling on Survivor: Fans v. Favorites and had a dominant majority alliance after the merge with lots of individual immunity rolling his way ADDING to the hidden individual immunity idol he already had, but his lack of strategic gameplay (and at that point, a bit of cockiness) again bit him in the butt as he failed to anticipate eventual winner and onetime ally Parvati's blindside to get him out.......DEALBREAKER.

3. There were questions about John McCain's age, John McCain's ability to lead, John McCain's policies, but when he selected Alaskan governor Sarah Palin as his VP candidate, his judgment came into question and that was a.... DEALBREAKER.

4. Dick and Danielle were the final 2 of Big Brother 8, but not only was Dick saved by America in Week 2 and Week 5, the duo ALSO avoided eviction because the producers told Eric he couldn't use the Power of Veto in Week 7 to take Amber or Zach off the block and backdoor one of the Donatos.....DEALBREAKER on the legitimacy of Dick's win.

5. Flight Time and Big Easy were fun, energetic, entertaining, and easy to root for on their way to the Final Four of Amazing Race 15 even as they botched some easy challenges and avoided Philimination because someone was too scared to go down a water slide, but the real kicker was when Big Easy couldn't spell F-R-A-N-Z after getting spotted the F, instead opting to take a 4-hour penalty that effictively ended their race...that's a Dealbreaker.

6. Jersey Shore: Ronnie seems like a cool dude, gets along with people in the house, and genuinely means well despite calling his in-house girlfriend a "big-toed Flinstone" and dunking Snookie into the lake aganst her will, but some real damage occured when he confronted a guy on the Jersey Shore and punched him into the next county...that's a Dealbreaker.

7. Paula Abdul brought life to American Idol every season as she gave the contestants hope right before Simon ripped them to shreds, although she was criticized for cliche comments like "America Loves You!" or "it wasn't your best performance," and also cited for some legal trouble, she literally said "No deal" to FOX and what was a money-driven decision to leave the show......Literally a Dealbreaker.

8. Rimm having problems with their service, Apple coming out with new and better products, and its stock price hovering around $65 w/o an uptick from the post-March 2009 rallies.....Now saying Verizon, RIMM's biggest customer, doing business w/ AAPL.....That's a dealbreaker, folks, cut ties w/ the stock if you can.

9. So many other Big Brother follies, but Jessie epitomizes them on both BB10 and 11 back-to-back: Alienating other houseguests early in 10, sleeping way too much and not getting a good gauge of the house, being way too blunt in a game where people target you for comments made, winning HoH too early and not leveraging deals afterwards, but the biggest mistake (after having a whole year to learn after BB10) in BB11 was not throwing the Week 3 HoH competition to Jeff when Jeff couldn't put him up.....THAT was a dealbreaker.

10. Chuck Season 1 suprisingly good and winning "the couple you were most rooting for" with Chuck and Sarah, Chuck Season 2 seeing the return of Chuck's father as well as some good plot twists, now Chuck Season 3 back w/ some name stars (like Stone Cold Steve Austin) and Chuck w/ super-spy skills.....THAT's a dealbreaker, folks. Watch the 2-hour season premiere tonight.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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