Sunday, June 14, 2009

In memory of the NBA season

Tonight ended one of the greatest marathons in all of sports: The NBA season. Here are the top 10 things about the 2008-2009 NBA season (some of these things may have happened so long ago you don't even remember):

10.) it was better than the NHL season. Ask me one player other than Crosby on the Pittsburgh Penguins roster, and I give you a blank look. Mario Lemieux?

9.) Charles Barkley not saying, "Ginobbbbbbli!!!!!!" 7 billion times this season, cuz he was hurt.
9b.) Best Barkley quote ever: "First of all, you don't want the Chinese mad at you: they can fight!"

8.) The Suns not making the playoffs. I loved steve kerr's game-winner in Game 6 1997, but he has totally destroyed that suns team. Traded away shawn marion, got an old Shaq that bogs down the defense, not gonna cut it in the West. Back to TNT, steve.

7.) The LeBron-Kobe commercials: Ohio! Woo! Playoffs, Baby, Playoffs! Chinese Food! Ohio! Akron, Ohio!

6.) Ron Artest flopping all over the place and doing better acting than Keanu Reeves after getting "elbowed" by Kobe, then after Kobe calls him out, showing tongue to show he bit it.
6b.) Artest's hairdos throughout that series.

5.) Yao Ming finally putting up a (almost) full season.... another season-ending injury would have put his life in danger......were Rockets better w/o McGrady?

4.) All-Star Weekend Sprite Dunk Contest: Nasty Nate w/ his Kryptonite shoes (literally) throwing down on D-12 Superman.

3.) This game: Further proof (albeit just a nice decision on the pass) that rafer alston is key to your team.

2.) Glen Big Baby Davis: From zero to hero, at beginning of season pouted on the bench when KG raised his voice on him, then hit amazing playoff shot while shoving greasy, Mickey Mouse-loving white kid in Orlando. Incredible.

1.) Bulls - Celtics series: why we watch basketball. Although, I must admit, after so many overtimes of basketball, another shot of Joakim Noah's face would have made me vomit.

Good job, NBA. Further proof that the NBA pretends, i mean, cares.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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