Friday, June 26, 2009

Back to basics - Buy or sell?

This post will be less gimmick, more analysis. Less fat, more meat. Less filler, more plot-pushing.

My mom, sister, and grandfather went to China for vacation and got quarantined because someone on their plane had signs of the swine flu. Sigh. Rather unfortunate that they'll have to just sit around for a week (25% of the whole trip), but gotta make sure about the most important thing (health), I suppose. Personally, I think the Chinese government is overreacting about a disease that's gonna go away pretty soon and doesn't kill as many as the ordinary flu does, but with the past experience that country has had w/ epidemics, I understand why they'd rather play it safe. Just a bad time to go to China right now.

Also may be a bad time to go to Angel Stadium. I went on wednesday to watch Halos/ Rockies, saw Vlad homer, saw my man Bobby Abreu have a solid game with a HR, SB, AND an outfield assist (underrated stat). However, after the game someone pulled a gun and bullets were fired, although it was probably a different part of the parking lot than I was......still, not a good sign. I might hold off from going there for a while.

Working at LA SUPERIOR has had its moments.....we've had some interesting stuff come in, like the Miley Cyrus slanted-eye (what we like to call it) case and a different judge is handlin the Perez Hilton- alleged assault case.

I've been listening to this Ryan for Roses stuff on Kiss FM LA in the morning (got a lot of time in the car going to court every day), and I'm convinced it's scripted. People just do not react like that. It's just too perfect for them. The husband always answers on the first call, always thinks there's a catch with the "free roses" call but ultimately gives in and sends them to a girl......and more than likely it's not the guy's girlfriend/wife. And the whole confrontation conveniently takes just enough time to keep listeners' interest. I'd say at least 70% fixed, maybe they've had a couple genuine calls in there to keep incredulity.

Alright, Here we go, the most reliable buy/sell segment out there:

1. Mark Reynolds: When he hit is 10th Homer, I said sell as soon as possible. When he hit his 13th Homer, I said a guy who strikes out more than 200 times is not gonna be on my team anymore. When he hit is 17th HR, I still immediately sent out 6 lopsided trade offers from them. Now, after hitting his 20th and 21st HR's, I'm beginning to think Reynolds is here to stay. Don't get me wrong, I'd still trade him for like the 20th best fantasy player, but no longer think there's a tremendous downswing on the horizon.

2. Joe Mauer: Sell. Still will hit above .300 rest of way, but are u really gonna bank on this ridiculous early-season power stroke he's had? Don't think so. And I know it's hard to move catchers around cuz of position scarcity, so free practice pointer (like the Rutter Guide for lawyers): offer Mauer and a lesser player for a lesser but still serviceable catcher (think Posada) and a better player than does the trick.

3. Jimmy Rollins: Buy. Take it from me, Rollins owners are on the verge of clicking the drop button, they can't wait to release him for anybody with ANY value.

4. Ricky Nolasco: Buy. He burned me early season, I regret not picking him back up after the Marlins picked him back up from the minors. I see a 16-win season at the end.

5. Rafael Furcal: Sell. The definition of a lingering injury hampering his play.

6. Johann Santana: Buy. This would have been even better a week ago after some disastrous starts. Still, buy like it's Microsoft stock circa-1998.

7. Ben Zobrist/ Jason Bartlett: Sell. Same time, same story: hot start will not translate, physical limitations will hold them down.

8. Joba Chamberlain: Buy. One of my favorite movies is this little-known film (don't even know what category it is) called Boiler Room, Ben Affleck has a awesome scene about how to sell products to people: "Ask him questions. Ask him rhetorical questions, it doesn't matter, just get a yes out of them. If you're drowning and I throw you a life jacket would you grab it? Yes! Good, pick up 200 shares!"
Well I'm asking you now, if you've been in the desert for 7 days and I offer you some water, would you take it? Yes! Good, pick up Joba Chamberlain. He could save your season.

9. Rick Porcello: Sell. For some reason unbeknownst to me I think people are overvaluing the current Porcello, despite the good start. He's not a K pitcher, he plays in the AL, he walks quite a few per game, and his 8 wins are a mirage. Get off the Titanic before he sinks your ERA and WHIP.

10. Carlos Quentin/Aramis Ramirez: Buy. Someone in your league has Quentin or A-Ram stashed on their DL, or worse, have them occupying a valuable roster spot. Send a low-ball offer, the neighborhood of a Bobby Abreu or Nate McLouth, or Andrew McCutchen, or a combo of those. You play for first place in fantasy baseball, 2nd place does not get you extra fan base or any other props. Injured guys coming back is the best way to max your return.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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