Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dead Heat- Fantasy basketball playoffs

58 days 'til the National Spelling Bee (NSB). It's coming.

Fantasy hoops winding down and I'm leading my roto league by 2 points, in search of my first fantasy hoops crown. I write this in between the Saturday night/Sunday calm before the storm right before a paper's due on Monday. Meaning Sunday will be consumed w/ writing the paper and banging my head against the wall, taking "quick" snack breaks that turn into 20 minutes, finding excuses to check out my fantasy team, finding reprieve when my mom calls (I usually dislike calling my mom), checking my watch every 5 minutes to see how much time I've burned, etc., etc.. It's a vicious cycle, and I'm glad I'm updating my blog before it goes down.

Some dude in my league grabbed Anthony Randolph AS I was on the waiver wire page deciding whether or not to add him and drop Thabo Sefolosha. Urg. It's almost as if he's watching me in my room surfing my fantasy basketball page. Not that adding Randolph is bad, it's a cinch move now that everybody and their mother is shutting it down in Golden State, Nellie HAS to actually play frustrating fantasy options like Turiaf, Azubuike and Randolph. It's like flipping the latch on the cage and letting the caged bird sing. Beautiful.

Picked Pittsburgh to win in my faux-bracket. I say faux cuz I didn't join any group brackets this year due to my N'Orleans trip. Good thing, too, my Final Four is all gone except for Louisville, and that could be busted tomorrow. I'm so stupid w/ March Madness picks. No science, no reason, just blind faith.

I find that setting goals for myself (which I should have done scheduling-wise for my paper) is usually auspicious, so here are my goals for all the currently-rostered players on my (hopefully) championship-winning roto team: -also a good chance for you to evaluate my team

1.) Jose Calderon:
Continue to drill free throws and end w/ just 3 misses all season (as opposed to 131 makes and counting....) Amazing. Also, 9 assts/ per game would be nice...I know it's tough passing to that waste of space named Shawn Marion, but let's be positive! Yay team!

2.) Andre Miller: Ease up on the turnovers, Hoss. 13 in the last 3 games = No-no. Turnovers need to be less than 2x your steals.

3.) Jason Terry: All jets ahead. It's really simple, really. Run down the court, go to the corner, spot up for 3, wait for jason kidd no-look pass, catch ball, bend knees, see money signs around the hoop, let loose, hear swish. Don't play defense.

4.) David Lee: Go ahead and set the all-time record for doubles-doubles, baby. Go triple-triple if you can.

5.) Nowitzki: Improve your FG % to your 4-year avg.. I'm not gonna get on you for not hitting many 3's this season, but if you're inside the great beyond gotta hit from there too.

6.) Thabo: Do enough to allow me to keep you on my team.

7.) Horford: Hit double-digits in rebounding. You're at 9.3, last year you ended at 9.7........hit a milestone, kid.

8.) Ziggy: Stop looking so ugly. Also, just put your butt in the post and stay there. Lebron feed you ball, you put ball in hole.

9.) Stevie Blake: Be the rainmaker (2.1 three's) at my big firm, baby.

10.) Rasheed Wallace: out 10 games in a row. That must be some really good grass, 'Sheed. Time to get on court.

11.) Trevor Ariza. Pick pockets like no one's business. He gambles more than Charles Barkley and his fantasy game loves it, Phil not so much. Forget Phil, not like he's won many NBA championships or anything. Play for me, brother.

12.) Kevin Durant. Continue being a god. I worship the ground you shoot on.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Friday, March 20, 2009

The (Bloggin') Darlin' From New Arleans

- Title is a reference from Big Brother 10, where Dan (eventual winner) spiced up the quirky but funny Renny, on his way to Big Brother history.

Must be something about watching USC basketball, I'm writing again while SC trails BC in first round of NCAA tourney, 34-30. Blessing that USC is even in, as it took a miracle 2nd-half rally against ASU in Pac10 title to win it. Where was I? On the plane to N'Orleans.

Illinois fell flat on its face last night w/o PG Chester Frazier. Though they were down by 17 at one point, it was funny cuz they rallied back in the last 3 minutes, took advantage of a blatantly obvious call where Illinois had tipped it out of bounds but was not called, and cut the lead to TWO points while I was clapping and jumpin' around in my hotel in what some could call a semblance of hope. However, it was one of those danglers, as if the team was saying," O, you really thought we had a chance that game? Did you really?"

Anywya, Nawrlins has been pretty spectular. More of a tourist trip, this LAAB trip with USC Law, but also in the spirit of past trips I've been on, an endeavor to help the people of New Orleans. We were reminded of Katrina at many occasions during the trip, as well as the work that still needs to be done.

I actually watched "Runaway Jury" right before coming here, and my impression of the city has definitey been changed (more than just the "someone-goes-into-business-offices-and-just-shoots-all-the-people part). Anyway, definitely worthy of coming here later in life, whether for pleasure or business, or just philanthropical purposes.

Good luck folks on the rest of your bracket. I have a feeling my picks are going in the trash again as they do every year except 2002 (picked Maryland to go all the way, got lucky.)

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Friday, March 13, 2009

Getting Mad about March

Watchin' USC takin' on UCLA in the semis of Pac-10 tourney: pretty much another must-win for the Trojans if they want to be dancing, just like last night was nevessary v. Cal. They might even need to win the whole tourney to get in.

Here are some things that I am mad (but not really mad, cuz I'm actually in kind of a good mood, but for the sake of this blog, I make some sacrifices.....these are things I COULD be mad about)

I'm mad that 30 Rock has officially moved past The Office in my book. I had conflicting feelings about sliding Office down my list, but when you gotta keep telling yourself that a show's funny, that's when it's probably not that funny anymore.

I'm mad that California public school education is probably one of the worst in the country. My sister's experiencing that first hand. Just sayin'.

I'm mad that Denzel's got a huge beard sitting at the USC-UCLA game right now. Don't like it, hopefully he's doing that for some movie. (And a good one, not John Q)

I'm mad about the economy being bad.

I'm mad about Bernard Madoff.

I'm always mad about stopping for Los Angeles traffic. That means I'm always mad on the 405.

I'm mad that Watchmen is apparently a pretty bad movie.

I'm mad that Syracuse can change their name from Orangemen to Orange but still generate lots of energy and create memorable Big East Tourney runs, while the Illini can very seldom win and even less frequently create excitement.

I'm mad that the trojans just ran down the court and turned it over twice in about 5 seconds while up by 12 w/ just 5 minutes to go. In a game they MUST have.

I'm mad that I've tried out for TAR, Survivor, and Big Brother without any calls back.

I'm mad that I got the #10 pick in my fantasy baseball draft when I could have david wright or miguel cabrera, 2 guys i think are gonna have monster years. (Although, Chase Utley wasn't bad).

I'm still mad the Cubs got swept out of the playoffs last year.

I'm mad about my LL&E grade even though I thought coming out of the test that it'd be my best grade.

I'm mad that there is still mass killings, internal strife, and political greed in countries all over the world.

I'm mad that a girl won the first annual USC Law Fantasy Football league.

I'm mad that Lamar Odom decided to suck as soon as he joined my fantasy football team.

I'm mad that I can't start earning money yet to help support my family.

I'm mad that I'm going on a one-week trip to New Orleans tomorrow. Actually, I'm really pleased about that. Chance to relax, do community service, go somewhere I haven't been before, bond with law student classmates. Sweet deal.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Thursday, March 12, 2009

fantasy baseball cometh

Wow, more than a week went by since my last post? Un-believable. Time flies in law school, but the clock ticking just means it's a little closer to the "dark times"- weeks of studying with short breaks, lots of hand-wringing, freakin' out, unproductive study sessions, cursing yourself for being stupid, reviewing things you should have learned the first time, desperately emailing professors, and carefully watching your classmates lest they get some sort of upper hand on you. O yes, dark times.

But you know what else is coming? Fantasy baseball, my most dedicated (and up to date, most successful) creed out of the main line fantasies. I have lots of fond memories about my vast array of fantasy teams and the heroes that emerged on those teams, including my very first championship win on the back of Johann Santana's untouchable 2nd half of 2004 ( I picked him up midseason when he had a 5.65 ERA), Grady Sizemore's rise to stardom in 2005, Ryan Howard's power surge in 2nd halves of recent years, and correct call of drafting A-Rod w/ the first pick in 2007. Whoo- wee.

I just participated in a Yahoo! winners league online draft, and here's some of my observations:

1. I still got it. I stuck with a strategy, held fast to it, got the players I wanted, limited mistakes, didn't miss any positions. And a bag of chips.

2. A-Rod went 6th overall in our draft ( dunno if everyone heard, A-rod's out 6-9 weeks and will be back sometime in may). This is a little high for me, as the risk of him missing additional time plus the april that you will go sans your #1 pick pushes him down to a 2nd-round pick, but given that i woulda picked him 1st overall if healthy, i think 6 is not blatantly wrong, especially since miggy cabrera and david wright were off the board already (definitely woulda picked either one of those healthy 3-baggers)

3. Quality pitching to be had in late rounds:
Joba Chamberlain: draftd 130th.
Ricky Nolasco: drafted 136th. (This is the best pitcher in MLB that no one has seen play)
Carlos Zambrano drafted 128th. C'mon, give Z a lil more credit
Daisuke drafted 124th: difficult to understand why a guy who won 18 games w/ a 2.90 ERA last season was pushed back from last year's draft standing, but apparently people don't like his nibbling, his high WHIP and (could it be?) that he's a Red Sock?

I personally would scoop up any one of these guys, not all though, because there's even better value at pitchin in later rounds.

4. David Ortiz fell to pick 70. Yes, SEVENTY. Wow, the mighty has follow. I guess it's his losing 1B eligibility to the fact he's getting older to the fact his #'s went way down last year, he's not getting much love. I would pounce on him at around 50, he STILL hit 29 Hr's in 484 AB's last year. C'mon now.

5. Chris Davis and Alexi Ramirez went 59-60 in our draft. Too high, IMO. Too much gamble, not enough proven numbers, I stay away. Classic case of guys getting too swept up in the hype and rolling the dice in round 5. I say round 5, don't draft unknowns like these guys yet. Not when Ortiz, Figgins, abreu, oswalt, ordonez, a.k.a. perennial anchors of fantasy baseball teams, were still available and available much later than they usually are...........if you want a healthy gamble, take them, not a guy you've never heard of. if Bernard Madoff has taught me anything, it's not to listen to weird dudes who promise me investments much in excess of what one can reasonably accept. In other words: Sounds like a Ponzi Scheme to me.

More fantasy baseball on the way. However, I will be on a law school sprin break trip in the next week, so I need to get some fantasy basketball content in to establish some cred:

1. Bobby "I used to be awesome in sacramento and now I'm just mediocre in sacramento" Jackson is lighting it up at PG, and he's particularly useful if (like me) you need thefts like a bakery needs flour, and he does that consistently, only in one of those 9 games did he only get ONE steal, in all 8 others he got 2 or more. Throws in ample assts and 3's to make him not just an older trevor ariza.

2. Thabo "something is wrong with his name but I can't just put my finger on it" Sefolosha is free from under the leash that is the Chicago Bulls Organization and is allowed some run now in OKC, and he should be allowed some run on your fantasy basketball squad. Also defensive specialist, but that 8-8 FT yesterday really helped me too.

3. Sebastian "I will handle the rock anyway you want me to" Telfair: same deal as Jackson, except more pts, more 3's instead of the steals. IF that's what you're looking for.

4. If you have a roster spot for Ronny "I beat heart surgery, what have you done?" Turiaf, keep him around cuz no telling one Biedrins goes down or just gets plain benched. Ronny does great things when he's introduced in starting 5.

5. Nenad "I studied abroad in Europe for a year and learned the game of basketball" Kristic. Like Sefolosha, contingent on Kevin Durant's imminent return. Unlike Thabo, grabs plenty of boards, doesn't play same position as the "durantula" = sustained production = good for you cuz ur listening to my advice and picking him up.

6. Matt "name a tattoo he doesn't have yet" Barnes: Phoenix starting to lose grip on any chance of playoffs, starting to unravel, look for Grant Hill, Steve Nash, Shaq all to sit = Matt can just gobble up all the minutes.

Alright, that's it, it's over, it's all over.........

O yea, college know March Madness has begun when Syracuse scores a dramatic, 6OT victory over UConn. Go Illini!

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's Official

80 Days away from the national spelling bee, we know at least one speller who's going:

Josephine Kao, winner of the 2009 California Central Valley Spelling Bee, first reported here:

Congrats. Next stop: Washington D.C.

Watchin a very entertaining Dallas- San Antonio game. Is it me, or is every one of their games at least decent to watch? This one happens to be just a little better: Dallas with all their weapons back ( Terry, Howard, Kidd, Nowitzki) is a tough team to beat, especially at home. And they're just the 8th seed right now in the west. I woulda liked them to add a legit SG at the trading deadline, but they'll have to work it out the rest of the season.

Here's a question: where has dirk's 3-point shooting touch gone? I hadn't noticed for a while, but as my 3PTM cat has declined, so has dirk's. it's a correlation. Spot it up from outside, big man!

Update about other top spellers from last year's comp:

runner up Sidharth Chand is one of 4 semi-finalists in the Oakland Press Spelling Bee, to be decided on March 4th. Expect nothing less than for him to wrap that up. Guy looks like a professor who's studied 1400 more formulas since last year.

Here's some interesting news:
Kivya Shivashankar, who along w/ her sister will be all over your TV screen come bee time, ACTUALLY MISSED A WORD in her district spelling bee. Whoa. This is like news of Achilles bleeding, or the '96 bulls (72-10) losing a game, cuz you didn't think it was gonna happen. Full report here:

So Kivya misspelled during the final 2 round, but fortunately her opponent misspelled right behind her and she was allowed back in, and she didn't let a 2nd chance slip away. These kids are so good, usually it's automatic and you expect it to be. So when they do miss a word out of the thousands they get thrown at them, it's noteworthy. Very, very interesting. I will note that last year's winner, Sameer Mishra, missed a word in the first round but because it wasn't an elimination round he stuck around to win. But wow, what would the spelling bee have been like if Kivya didn't even show up to D.C.? Whooooooo. But she's comin, and the competition better capitalize if she trips up again.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Thrill of Victory

Last night, after 3 grueling weeks of agonizing and desperation, I was finally able to secure something that many 1L's are grasping at right now: That elusive 1L summer job. Granted, it's non-paid, and granted, according to the guy who did it last year it's a hell lot of work, but it's mine, and I'm thrilled.

Concurrently, according to the Sacramento Bee, the regional spelling bee in the Sacramento area is taking place tomorrow, March 4th. You know who's gonna be there? You guessed it, Josephine Kao. Not to put any pressure on her, but she should expect nothing less than victory, as she's conquered this level of spelling thrice before. This should be merely a formality, but it's still an accomplishment when she wins- winner of the regional spelling bee 4 years in a row is something i wish i had in my trophy-case: nowadays I can barely do anything 4 years in a row: attend college, play volleyball, maintain my organizations, write christmas cards to my family, update this blog: it's very difficult.

You don't need it, Josephine, but good luck!

So this gets me to the point of this post: the thrill of victory. I gotta believe that at some point in their lives everyone has won SOMETHING in their lives, whether it was that pie-eating contest you had in 4th grade, the "knock these 9 pins down w/ 2 balls" game at the circus, the random-chance raffle win at some event, or (I can only dream of this), winning fantasy sports leagues. Ican't imagine anyone not winning ONE of these things.

Winning feels great. Winning is why I show up to things: to beat people at their game, to justify your efforts, to feel like you're the best at something, to feel that on one day nobody can beat you, and everything goes right. Winning makes you forget about all those obstacles you had to endure to reach your goal, the arguing, the sweating, the bleeding, the crying, the swearing, the almost-giving-up, those don't cross your mind anymore after you have won. It's a great power, but we need to work for it.

So here's some ways to win your fantasy baseball league this season: (nice segue, eh? )

1. If you have the #1 pick, DO NOT draft Hanley Ramirez. Yahoo! tells you to do so, in fact they'll autopick him for you if you don't swith it. CBS does it, ESPN has him #1 too. Don't fall into the trap. A-Rod and Pujols, baby, monsters year in and year out. Don't get swept up by all the A-rod drama, people speculated about Pujols being out for the year going into last season......before Albert had another career year.

2. Ian Kinsler? Pass. This guy was like a 7th-round pick last season-my personal rule is never to draft someone 6 rounds or more higher than they were last season........and he's going late 1st round this season = stay away, let him prove me wrong this year before I ever draft him this high. But I don't think he will.

3. Wait for pitching. I know you're at home salivating about the Lincecums (who also violates my 6-rounds rule) and sabathias, but there's so much delicious pitching in the later rounds! It's like stackin up too high at the first few tables at a buffet: you won't have room for the best sound at the end of the buffet. List of names and their Yahoo! rankings:

86. Felix Hernandez (although, temper your expectations on the King again this year)
100. Joba Chamberlain (rising stud)
120. Carlos Zambrano (4th-5th round pick last year)
154. Aaron Harang (as consistent as they come just had bad year)
162 + 167: Clayton Kershaw + Max Scherzer: I'd bet my worthless Yahoo! stock that one of these guys blows up this season
178+179: Randy Johnson + Erik Bedard: how are potential 200K-pitchers ranked so low?
231: John Smoltz: Think Josh Beckett.

4. Wait for derek jeter at SS. He's being ranked below guys like JJ hardy and Stephen Drew right now. What? It's like letting the early birds at a garage sale leave w/ all the crud before you swoop in and buy the real deal.

5. Wait for Adrian Gonzalez at 1B. His 100-30-100 is bottom line, easily eclipses that if San Diego gets trade-happy.

6. Be really, really careful about Johann Santana and other pitchers who are reporting arm problems. Always be suspicious about injury reports before a season even starts, especially with pitchers. Call me paranoid, but I saw enough of Mark Prior- circa 2005 to last me a lifetime.

Just a sneak peak at the stuff I will bring you to prep for the 2009 MLB season. We haven't even gotten to the World Baseball Classic yet. Just you wait.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan