Monday, June 2, 2008

The Return of the Mole

Tonight was the return from a lengthy hiatus of The Mole, one of my absolutely endeared shows... and as excited as I was about it coming back to TV, I gotta say, I was a little disappointed. Now, granted, I know for sure already that this season's gonna be better than the 2 celebrity seasons that really killed the series the first time around, but not as good so far as Mole 2, which I guess is why I'm a little disappointed.

Really, what I wanted from the mole was not too big of a difference from Mole 2 next betrayal, which to me is THE best season of television ever ( no joke, don't try and talk me out of it, y'all.) I wanted them to stay w/ the concept, cast interesting/ intelligent people instead of some of the ratings-hogs on some of the other networks. The 2 big things that stand out for me after watching the first episode this year is that a.) the difference in host is noticeable. b.) the musical score is noticeable.

Now a), i think everyone'd agree w/ me that anderson cooper was just a terrific host of mole and mole 2, really kept the show going, was as funny as he was professional and participated fully in the show. So far, i don't get that same feeling from jon kelley, the new guy. Obviously, he has time to grow on me. So too does the music. It's a little biased coming from me who owns the mole soundtrack from the first 2 seasons, but i thought the music this season got newer but not better. The elimination music especially in mole 2 is one of the most suspenseful things I've ever witnessed, and this one doesn't do it for me yet.

As for the actual show, i'll plant a seed of doubt for those who think they already know who el mole is: the mole historian ( a.k.a. yours truly) says that The first 2 moles, there was no sign of mole behavior from the actual mole in the first episode. In mole 1, kathryn actually helped SAVE a task in the first episode and didn't look suspicious at all. In mole 2, Bill was the assigner of tasks and didn't really seem like he did anything to influence the decision, doing the logical thing of leaving the swing for life ( by far the scariest task ) w/ no money.

So this time, in mole 3 ( or mole 5, whatever number shall be assigned) there's a difference between what the producers want me to see and what I want to believe. I say that chances are good that any of the peeps mentioned as potential suspects that did suspicious behavior aren't the mole and that he/ she's lying in the weeds so far. And he/ she really didn't need that much help, there was so much bungling it was ridiculous. Paul is trying so hard to look like the mole ( putrid effort on both tasks) that he can't be the mole, bobby playing the dorothy card not being athletically fit at all, mark the history teacher not getting the robinson crusoe items correct, craig being the guy w/ the easy excuse not to be the mole, all those guys i don't suspect. Obviously i don't know definitely who the mole IS, though, definitely, so I'll just throw it out there and say that Clay is the mole. Time for a minority to get a crack, and he had absolutely no suspicious activity this first ep. So if he is indeed it, you heard it here, first, y'all.

And in baseball news, Adrian Gonzalez hit his 17th homer of the season. This after i traded him in both of the leagues i had him thinking his hot start would cool down because of his team's deficiencies. Yippee.

Jay bruce homered again. Yippee of the non-sarcastic fashion.

Mark Prior out for another season. Anyone wanna bet his career's over?

O and one more thing about the mole. Please watch this season. All the grumbling I had about the mole earlier pale in comparison to how much i actually adore this show, particulary the entire concept of building up money with a traitor in the midst, with the real challenge the social game instead of the monetary part. So please watch this season, as solid viewership will greatly enhance its likelihood of getting picked up again, and let's hope that it will instead of such roaring successes like " the next great inventor" or "the nine."

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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