Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Finals week

I got an exam on Friday but I'm writing here just to kill some time, wait for the laundry to dry.......

Anyway, I'm really getting into this Yahoo! winners league I'm in...........i could say i'm certifiably addicted, although i know at some point i'll get tired of it, but that's a long ways away. So today i spot-started Oliver Perez and he put up 5.2 IP, 1ER, 10K's. TEN strikeouts! That's huge cuz in fantasy K's are just as important as any other stat. O did i mention he got the win too? Chris capuano shoulda gotten the win but he had to come out of the game after 3 w/ the lead........why don't more people get this guy? He's so solid........18 wins in 2005? C'mon peeps. That woulda won the CY Young last year.

NBA? Not a very busy night tonight.......San Antonio finished off Denver in 5 at home...........Phoenix is about to do the same to LA....I was wrong about dallas winning game 4 the other night.........ate my words, they were down 3-1 but came back to barely squeak one out AT HOME to golden state. That game 6 in oakland is gonna be HUGE. It's so tough to win on the road there.......Dallas's dream could end.

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