Saturday, May 5, 2007

The winner of the match, and the NEEEWWWWWWW......

For those of you who know me, you know that I am a pretty big WWE wrestling fan, I dunno how I developed it, but I was intrigued when my friends started watching it back in the Attitude era w/ the Rock, Austin, Mankind, and all them, but in January of 2006 I also started watching it religiously, and it hasn't worn out since then. I'm interested right now about how this money in the bank is gonna be used this time, w/ Mr. Kennedy.............Kennedy winning it recently at Wrestlemania 23. I really think there's a good chance he's gonna cash it in as soon as Batista beats the Undertaker in a steel cage match on Smackdown. the "raptors are extinct" in the NBA playoffs.......usually I'm not a big fan of ESPN's cliche's and those play on words, but I found that one to be somewhat appropriate, I didn't see the game in its entirety but caught R-Jeff's game-winning drive to the basket and I gotta say, he finally looks like he can actually PLAY basketball again after having a horrible regular season even after coming back from injury. The bosh play at the end was huge.

Bulls-Pistons tonight. Should be good. It'd be nice if the boys from Chi-town could go in to the palace and steal one. Pressure's on detroit at least for game 1.

I watched spider-man 3 last night. Not bad. They included 3 different villains and developed the story pretty well, I just think it was a mistake for them ever to cast Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker. Even when Parker was fumbling and making mistakes, he never looked THAT sniveling. And Topher Grace was Eddie Brock. C'mon. Bleh. But the action scenes were good. I dunno if there's gonna ever be another Spiderman movie in this series? The ending seemed to suggest there is.

Shane victorino went 3-4, 1R, 2 SB's last night as my waiver-wire pickup. Heh. This after going 0-9 for me in a similar recent-pickup role for me earlier in the season.

I'm all but out of that NBA fantasy competition w/ Chris Bosh pulling a dud in Game 5, not very great games for me the last couple.........we'll see if my champion pick of San Antonio goes anywhere.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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