Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mask (마스크, 口罩, マスク)

I don't like wearing masks. They're uncomfortable, they cause itchiness on my face, they force me to smell my own breath since I'm breathing into the mask. Even as a kid I disliked wearing masks that covered my whole face when going trick-or-treating; I disliked putting on the hockey goalie mask during gym class, and I never got into MJ's skin therapy mask that supposedly kept her skin supple and fresh before she went to sleep. Nope, masks have never been for me, but during this pandemic wearing one could save lives, so I've reluctantly wore them when going outside, feeling that it's the responsible thing to do for myself as well as to protect others in case I have it. Prominent leaders of the country in media, science, health care, and government all have recommended, if not demanded, that Americans wear masks while going outside. In China it's the law: if you're found outside without a mask on, you get fined, punished.

At least in North Carolina, though, masks seem optional! MJ and I went to the North Carolina Museum of Art today, a sanctuary for many during this pandemic to get some fresh air without being in a densely populated area, but found that we were the only ones wearing a mask in the whole area! Many people just walking or running as they normally would, without masks or any kind of protection. You'd think Covid-19 never happened. There were college students, families, friends, moms pushing their babies in strollers, just a normal spring day for everyone, doing their regular routines. One couple seemed to be even allowing for love in the air, meeting at the museum park for what sure seemed like a first date: the lady said "Hi nice to meet you," the man introduced himself, and off they went on a first date with a complete stranger, both without masks on! That seems like an unreasonably high level of trust to place on a stranger you've only talked to online or on a dating app. I guess the mask would obscure the aesthetic of each person's appearance, don't want a date's first impression of you to be of wearing a N-95 mask with half your face obscured. I had been wondering how a lot of industries less obviously affected by quarantine were doing (besides just restaurants and airlines and hair salons): Airbnb is struggling based on recent reports and isn't going to IPO this year as planned, Lyft and Uber apparently recovered a bit in April and reported strong numbers this very evening, and from anecdotal evidence it appears as though dating apps still have some life left.

This whole not-wearing-a-mask thing is a bit hard to explain, and I don't think it's just a phenomenon at the North Carolina Museum of Art or even the greater Raleigh-Durham area. Across the country there seems to be a bit of a backlash against the tight restrictions placed on everyone due to Covid-19, with many including Tesla's Elon Musk claiming that it's infringing on our freedoms and human rights. Vice President Mike Pence certainly fed into that sentiment by not wearing a mask while making a visit to a hospital last week, a transparent attempt at playing to his base, similar to the idea of "don't take away our guns." President Trump has yet to wear a mask in public even when giving press conferences with lots of other people; he's also been pretty consistent in placing a priority on reopening the economy and getting the country back and running again.

While I feel bad for those who have suffered great economic harm due to the pandemic (losing their life savings in a business that was shut down, being laid off, not being able to pay rent, etc.etc.), which makes me understand if not endorse the push to reopen the economy, I really don't understand the defiance towards wearing masks. I don't think it's a time to make political statements or symbolic gestures to not wear masks; it's not that difficult to put one on, and although rather uncomfortable especially for a long period of time, it's not like we're supposed to be outside for that long anyway, and it's the safest thing to do. You don't lose anything by wearing a mask (other than appearance-wise, which should not be a priority right now). I haven't wore a mask all the time when going outside if I know for sure I'm not going to bump into anybody, but at a park or place with lots of foot traffic? Mask should be mandatory.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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