Monday, January 20, 2020

Pretending to Know (아는 척, 假装知道, 知っているふりをする)

Lately I've developed a lot of pet peeves in other human beings: people who ride their skateboard or scooter on the sidewalk, waiters who call me "boss" or "buddy" disrespectfully, co-workers who snitch on each other's bad behaviors to bosses, causing everyone to lose privileges. Most pet peeves are specific to a certain physical location or circle of people, but one pet peeve The one pet peeve I see prevalent in almost every arena is people pretending to know everything about everything and have unyielding opinions about it.

With the advent of the internet and smartphones that have the whole breadth of human knowledge accessible with the touch of a finger, people seem to think they have all the answers. I would much rather

Politicians: they claim to know everything about how the country works and what's wrong with it and how to fix it, but none of them really know how the next 4 years are going to play out; they probably won't even know if it will be driven by foreign policy or domestic policy, who we'd be fighting if war was to break out, what national emergencies like storms or earthquakes or global warming we have to fight. The worst type of egregious behavior by people in power is holding this whole "swearing in" ceremony aired on CNN that lasts the whole day just to get sworn into the trial of President Trump. What are they really doing? Wasting citizens' tax dollars on a sham trial where the outcome is already fixed, and no one from either party will vote outside of their party, so arguments and other discoveries are all for naught, amounting to a whole charade for the public motivated by partisan politics. And the whole thing financed by the American taxpayer while the national debt grows, poverty is at an all-time high and there are thousands of other issues that need to be tackled by the U.S. Senate. Yes, these are the people telling you what's good for the country and why he or she is the one to get it done.

It's not just politicians. Online forums: everybody has an opinion on everything. Scroll down to any YouTube video comment or reddit comment thread and you'll see people yelling at each other with facts and arguments to support their own side, all for the need to be right on a issue. Rarely do you see comments like "that might be right, let me consider that" or "I concede that you have a good point."

If I listened to so-called "experts" on investing no CNBC, I'd have shorted Tesla through its latest awesome price hike higher, been completely out of Chinese stocks, and the stock market would have went down much lower. The truth is, the market does what it wants and a lot of it is not controlled or predicted by people.......we have to adapt according to what the market does, not try to guess every single move it makes and try to be right about it. Sports analysts are some of the worst at analyzing games and saying obvious things to cater to the casual fan........meanwhile, much more analytical computer programs and statistic models and betting markets predict the outcome of games much better than a supposed "expert" can

Do people even listen anymore? Most people seem to already have their mind made up, thinking they know everything about the world.

I tell my sister (recently turned 23) this all the time: It's much more dangerous than not knowing things to THINK you know everything but actually not know everything. Forming erroneous opinions about topics and refusing to listen to other people....a recipe for disaster, that again, most of us learned as children through fairy tales like the Emperor's New Clothes, etc. My sister recently said I was "mansplaining" things to her, using catchy terms that her friends use even though she doesn't fully understand

"Ammosexuals" (named thus because they love their ammo) marched to the Virginia capitol today on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, protesting gun control laws and asserting their 2nd Amendment rights. Strongly opinionated people who believe they are correct and won't accept the other side while brandishing assault rifles outside to get what they want.

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