Tuesday, August 20, 2019

First day of school (학교 첫날, 上学第一天, 学校の初日)

There's no day of the year more filled with alternating emotions than the first day of school. There's the excitement of new beginnings, the eagerness to meet new classmates or see old friends from the previous year, the smell of the new textbooks, the crisp feel of the new school supplies, the crowded feeling of all students actually attending class so far unlike towards the end of the year, but also mixed in with the dread of an intense class schedule (at least, for intense programs like engineering, medicine, law, etc.) and the burden of what's ahead, knowing what one has to do to complete the school year. It can be kind of daunting.

MJ is facing her first "first day of school" in a while, and an intensive one at that: the accelerated bachelor's in nursing program at Duke University. I can sense that a lot of emotions are hitting her (along with sleepiness, as she's hit the sack pretty often the last week or so. Guess she's getting it in while she can!)

My most memorable first day of school was law school (and the most recent). There was a convocation by the class president, the meeting of so many new people, a flood of new stimulus. I remember seeing everyone as a new opportunity to make a friend, or eventually be an enemy, with the added element of competition that comes with law school, trying to get to the top of the class. I also remember loaning a guy ten dollars for a lock to lock our brand new lockers downstairs, and that guy turned out to be a lifelong friend. The mood back then was hopeful, as in 2008 the economy was still strong (or so we thought, just a couple months before the worst financial crisis in a century would hit), hiring was pretty good especially for a big market like L.A., USC Law still had a pretty good reputation, it was summer, and I had just gotten off my last "fun summer" as a camp counselor. It would be a long journey ahead, but a fun journey. I would definitely do it again despite all the anxiety and anguish I would go through for a couple years. Nowadays I would probably be a little more reserved and try to "find my lane" and dedicate myself to just a few friends and people I'd want to hang out with or trust, but back then I was trying to be Mr. Popular, Class President type. Turns out not everyone wanted to be sociable especially before something as grueling and competitive (and kind of cutthroat) as law school. It was really a competition to get a 6-figure job at a big law firm and good career prospects for the rest of one's life vs...........something else, so it wasn't that necessary to "make friends." Which is kind of what adult life and law school people are like.

I think the most "eye-opening" first day of school for anyone is the first day of college. undergrad, right out of high school. The parents drop you off at school, help you move in, and then you're suddenly......COMPLETELY ON YOUR OWN. It was a thrilling feeling (a little too thrilling for some who turn to alcohol and live the wild life), but it's like a ritual into adulthood.......how one handles oneself when you just have to life your own life and make your own decisions. I remember the first day of school at University of Illinois with literal crowds of people (one of the disadvantages of a large state public school is just being lost in all the humanity) and trying to understand what I would be, who I would become, and a "Quad Day" with so many different clubs and activities to join......would I be a juggler, a reader, an ultimate frisbee player, a board game guy, oh and there's chess that's always fun, maybe a fraternity? So many different choices to make one's head spin. That's what I'm dealing with while driving through Duke University here, lots of undergrads getting their first taste of life, but also their first taste of COLLEGE life, which is probably one of the best times of one's life. For some, it's an extreme: getting through the rigors of high school trying to get to the best college one can with SAT prep courses and college admissions under the strict watch of one's parents, to living a free life and doing whatever one wants with the world before you, could be a huge contrast that one can't adjust to, but also passes by really quickly. So many firsts for me like first time going to a gym every day, first time taking a bus to classes, first time eating school cafeteria food all the time, first time going to a college basketball game (aw man I'm gonna get to go to Cameron Indoors! Like a college student again!) First time living in a college town. All of these things MJ and I will be able to kinda live through again.

Hope MJ has a great first day of school experience! I am living vicariously as a college student again through her experience with the program!

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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