Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

My birthday is always around Mother's Day, and instead of being overly selfish and celebrating myself this year I'd like to give a shout out to my Mom, in Chinese AND in English. Please read one or both if you can!

我们家有句笑话是说我或我妹妹有毛病是谁遗传的.比如说,我爸经常丢山落事的,我要是忘记什么就怪我爸的基因。我有很多长处是妈传给我的,最重要的是脑子动的比较快。 不过我妈最重要的贡献是她的毅力和干性。我妈一直很努力,很会吃苦。我当然不如我妈了,但从小学她的榜样,在学校里用工买力。有什么困难的时候就想,我妈来美国的时候肯定比这痛苦多了,这点小冤枉算不了什么。







There's a joke in my family that any bad habits or personality flaws my sister and I have are attributed to genes from one of my parents. For example, my dad is known for losing things, so if I ever forget something it'll be blamed on my dad's genes. In contrast, I have some good traits that are from my mom, including the fact that I can think quickly, think on my feet. However, my mom's biggest contribution is actually her determination and diligence. My mom has always worked hard and persevered through tough times. I'm not as strong as my mom, but from a young age I followed her example, and in school I tried hard and gave it my all. Whenever I was in a tough situation, I always thought that my mom dealt with much worse when coming to America as an immigrant, so whatever I'm dealing with pales in comparison to that.

My mom is very considerate of others. Her mindset is to put family or guests first, then think about herself. During meals she always serves my grandfather first by putting food in his plate or shifting chairs. When I was a kid, doctor visits were scheduled by my mom, and she often took me along with her. My mom put me through school, including paying tuition. Growing up in America, my mom always supported me, and despite any arguments we had I know now that whatever she was doing was for the good of the family, and I've never seen her put her own desires in front of the family's well-being.

Speaking of money, my dad is a bit of a cheapskate, and pinches pennies sometimes, but my mom spends money where it's needed. She's not a spendthrift or wildly buying things she doesn't need, especially when it's necessary things like buying a house or my (or my sister's) education. This is also related to my mom's ability to make money, which she is very successful at doing. 

My mom has also taught me filial piety, how to be respectful to parents. She has taught me not to forget debts and remember what my parents did for us. My grandfather, my mom's father, has always lived with us since he came to America, and my mom's cared for him ever since. I must learn from my mom's example! 

My mom's also very generous. I like to treat others when we all go out for a meal, it's like showing a sign of respect and friendliness. I learned to do that from my mom, and I appreciate it about myself. When going to a party or someone else's home, I can't go empty-handed (i.e. bring a gift, bring some food, etc.) 

Finally, my mom's very good at cooking, she has got a lot of skills including MaPo Tofu, Ants up a Tree (Chinese dish), steak, and many many more. Please teach me, mom! And please continue giving me delicious food! Thanks! 

Happy's mother day! 

(Note: I am NOT a "Mazakon"マザコン
 in Japanese, aka someone with Oedipus complex who "loves" his mother. 

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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