Monday, July 22, 2013

Tugging at the Heartstrings: 19 Years of Playing the Violin.

19 years or so ago I started playing the violin at my father's suggestion (insistence). I didn’t like to play violin when I was a kid. I didn’t like going to violin lessons, I didn’t like going to violin recitals, I didn’t like carrying my violin around all the time. I especially didn’t really (and still don’t) understand musical theory and had no desire to learn.  I mostly did it to appease my parents, who were insistent on my musical education. Having just completed my 2nd concert with the Lawyers Philharmonic yesterday at the Walt Disney Hall in Downtown LA, I thought of things that I might say to my kid self about violin.

1.)    Don’t do anything just because your parents want you to do it. Re-evaluate, consider where they are coming from, consider your own desires, and then come to an informed, reasonable decision.
2.)    Once you’re old enough you can dictate your own practice time and “when you feel like” playing. It’s a great feeling to have a violin around when the mood strikes your fancy!
3.)    One day you will play violin voluntarily, without any want of career aspirations or monetary gain, but simply because you enjoy it.
4.)    You will come to appreciate the sense of musical unity that comes with playing in an orchestra of amateur but advanced-level musicians, one that can produce beautiful music that inspires.
5.)    You will get a sense of gratification from inviting family and friends to a concert and proud of yourself, adding to your self-esteem and your satisfaction that your parents are proud of you.
6.)    Unlike in middle school or high school where it was more of a crutch (sign of a nerd) than a boon, later on in life in professional circles you will be admired (at least from what people say) for being able to play an instrument.
7.)    It is a great way to meet other lawyers/musicians who share their interests.
8.)    You can play the Game of Thrones theme on your violin at will.
9.)    Playing at a great concert hall like Walt Disney Hall (shaped like a piano which accounts for the improved resonance) is an honor and one of my life achievements, and you’ll be glad you were able to do it. Twice.

All great reasons for having kept up with the violin and still playing strong 10 years removed! 

Fantasize on, 

Robert Yan 

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