Monday, July 22, 2013

Baseball Stadium Trip

Recently I’ve been planning a trip in late August/early September that takes me to 11 different baseball stadiums in 2 week. It’s an ambitious journey, but one that I’ve wanted to do for awhile. The stadiums themselves aren’t necessarily the only motivation; I do have visiting all baseball parks on my bucket list, but also hitting the road is quite big.
A big part of me is a traveler. I’ve wanted to get away, do new things, go on the road. I get antsy when I’m in the same spot for too long, whether it’s for hours in a day, or weeks in a year, or years in a life. (For example, I get antsy about doing one project over and over again in a year, and I get antsy about having lived in L.A. for 5 years now-I might need a change). I think the main motivation for that feeling is a fear that life is passing me by, that if I don’t change it up and do something new I won’t be able to experience that for much longer. Maybe it’s stored memory from a past life (lives) telling me life is short. Whatever the reason, I’ve always wanted to get out there. I get excited about stories like 50 states and 50 jobs guy (see previous post) and am intrigued by “A Walk in the Woods” by Bill Bryson, about traveling the Applacchian Trail. My favorite part of “Forrest Gump” is when he runs across the country. I was a big fan of Amazing Race for many years. I like the adventure; I like the sense of not knowing what one might run it (cue Forrest Gump’s “life’s like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get” line)
Speaking of going on an adventure, whatever happened to the “Choose Your Own Adventure” franchise books? That’s an aspect of the 90’s that might go completely forgotten, but those were excellent. It’s a great idea for a book, and especially in this era where people want instantaneous gratification and a lot of choice in what they do, a book/story/app that lets you “form your own story” would be very interesting and might just be heralded as “certified fresh” like on Rotten Tomatoes.

The Ipad is addicting. I once rejected the Ipad on this blog as nothing but another computer, but I’ve come to realize it’s more than that. The Ipad doesn’t weigh as much, plays High-definition videos, and just feels more slick and unique. You know how “Facebook”’s biggest move was going from “The Facebook” to just “Facebook?” Apple’s equivalent might be its sleek design, the black flat screen with a white trim, very simple and attractive for users. Great foresight by Steve Jobs. Certainly the Ipad still has limitations, and I’m not going to swear by it and advocate that everyone use one because it can actually be pretty addicting, but it certainly has some unique features.  

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