Sunday, April 14, 2013

Fantasy Life and Fantasy Dodgeball.

Quick notes:

1.) Zero Dark Thirty is a very factual, very well-done movie. Better than Argo.
2.) One-Eyed Gypsy is a very....interesting bar in Los Angeles. A little loud.
3.) The Angels are probably going to be under-.500 this season and for the foreseeable future. Depressing, I know.
4.) Switching from Blackberry to I-phone is like a kid opening gifts on Christmas.
5.) Whoever invented National Sibling Awareness Day, well done. I guess I just appreciated my sister writing "here's to the best big brother in the world" on facebook.
As I am busier and busier and have to focus on other things, I realize that fantasy baseball is a BIG commitment. I don't know whether I can do one more season of it (I mean I want to, but I don't know it it's responsible for me to spend 180 days of a year dedicated to something that requires like an hour of my time every day). It might just not be worth it, as much as I hate to say it.

The World Dodgeball Society is a very well-run dodgeball "society" based in LA (it's since spread to various cities) that has leagues around the area and some of the best dodgeball players in the world. Some might scoff at being the "best dodgeball player" in the world because it's not a very publicized or recognized  (and really, that's a product of ESPN and audience appetites that have developed over time, not the inherent entertainment value of dodgeball or amount of athleticism and skill that is on display) sport, but trust me, the people that I name here deserve to be at the top of the sport. As a relative newcomer to the sport, I'm still learning the game and learning everything every day, but I know enough to know the people who are really good at this game, what they do well, and why they do the things that they do.

Anyway, here's a little fun "If dodgeball had a fantasy league edition:"
Fantasy dodgeball

1.) Hit target: +10.
2.) Catches: +20.
3.) Thrown catch (someone else catches you): -20.
4.) Half-catch: You deflect ball, someone else catches: +15 for deflecter, +5 for catcher.
5.) Hustle ball-get: gain a ball for your team that the official scorer (kind of like baseball scorekeeper determining an error) deems to be one you normally wouldn't have gotten).
6.) Game-changer: get out the other team's top player. = +6
7.) Last one standing on team
8.) Successful shagging of team
9.) Awesome costume: +3.
10.) Excellent pre-game huddle routine: +5.
11.) Pinching: -7. Frowned up.
12.) Hit someone in the head: -2. Sometimes inevitable, but can be avoided.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, try out World Dodgeball Society.

Extending the metaphor to life (some of these things I do):

1.) Brush your teeth: +2.
2.) Floss: +1.
3.) Exercise for 30 minutes: +5.
4.) Fill up on chips: -3.
5.) Get to work on time: +4.
6.) Be cheerful to co-workers: +1 for each co-worker.
7.) Cursing: -1 for each curse.
8.) Take out the garbage: +2.
9.) help your neighbor/someone else take out the garbage: +3.
10.) Cure cancer: +100,000.
11.) Donate blood: +20.
12.) Spend a weekend volunteering: +50.
13.) 24-hour marathon of Honey BooBoo: -20, plus imagine all the opportunities to gain points you would have wasted!
You get the idea.

Wild, never-will happen but imagine-if-it-did scenario: I think things would be accomplished better that way if there was a fantasy league of life,  and people were playing to win. You think some competitive people would be improving their lives just so they could win: I think so.

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