Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bobby Yan The Working Man


                My schedule is so different than it was a year ago. I remember a time, long long ago, (a year ago) when I had plenty of free time: wake up at around 9:00AM, casually eat a nice breakfast, check my fantasy team, mosy on along to school, stroll into class at 10AM, take lunch for an hour, maybe have 3.5-4 hours of class a day, hit the gym, play some basketball, drive home, watch Game of Thrones, watch how my fantasy team did for the night, hang out with the guys and shoot the breeze for a while, and then call it a night at 1:00PM. (After all, I'd only need to get up by 9:00PM). And don't even mention when I was unemployed for a month (August-Sept. of last year) when every day was literally a picnic (stay at home, watch the tumbleweeds roll on by). I have NO time nowadays as a working man. Schedule is very much work-based; everything revolves around the office; I barely get out much, and if I do, I have to take "hasty" workouts like running around the Rose Bowl. Weekends barely give me enough time to recover before Sunday nights hit (like it is right now) and I have to prepare for the work week. I think this is what people describe as "work to live." I've been pampered and enjoying myself for the last 6 years (throughout college and law school). Time to pay the dues. Welcome to the rest of your life, Robert.

                Btw, Game of Thrones Season 2 progressing a little slower than last season, but a very powerful speech this past episode by Jorah Marmont (Danerys Targaryen's right hand man): spoke of why Danerys would be the perfect ruler for Westeros and why she'd be a once-in-an-eternity ruler. I tend to agree, which makes me think at the end of 5 seasons (or 6 season, however long this series goes on) that Danny will finally rise to her rightful seat on the Iron Throne, depending of course on what the book does with it. She's gotta survive all these deaths to powerful figures, though, as another one just recently bit the dust (spoiler alert). Note: People 18 and under reading this blog, do NOT watch that show. For mature audiences only. Seriously.

 Fantasize on, Robert Yan

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