Thursdays in Big Brother are famous for being the most exciting days of the week in Big Brother: If Big Brother was the NFL, Thursday would be the Sundays. The whole show is based off the Thursday live eviction day, the new HoH is crowned, the end of campaigning for last week's nominees, and positioning for power in a power shift.
I'm watching Thursday's live show and just absolutely scratching my head over who this Andrew guy is. Out of the THOUSANDS of people who apply for the show, casting cast THIS joker? Andrew, who is socially awkward, much too paranoid, doesn't answer people's questions unless he feels like it, repeatedly calls people stupid, and doesn't know how normal people interact, THAT Andrew? To instantly volunteering for being the mascot at the first HOH to doing the "banshee incident" to Annie to asking Enzo if he could be in his "gang" the first week and systematically alienating everyone in the house, Andrew was one of the WORST social gameplayers EVER in Big Brother history. It was like watching a little kid without any recognition of social skills trying to get along with the big kid at middle school......All awkwardness, no smoothness.
I was literally asking while watchign the whole exchange on Thursday, during Andrew's speech, "How did this guy get cast? How did he go through a series of interviews and convince producers that he would even survive for 2 months with 12 other strangers?" The ONLY answer that makes sense is that he saved Alison Grodner, the Executive Producer's, life. Seriously. That is the only reasonable explanation. It can't be sheer personality, it can't be cuz he's the only Jew that's ever applied to the show, it isn't his stunning good looks, and it isn't cuz he's a Big Brother Superfan. There is literally NO other reason why he would be cast on the show. Grodner HAS to owe him a favor. Maybe he's her podiatrist and discovered a rare foot condition and cured it. Maybe Grodner's dog fell in the lake and Andrew swam in after it and saved it from drowning. Something like this HAD to have happened... there's no other way.
As opposed to Season 11, where I had strong feelings about almost every single cast member, this season is being carried by 3 characters on the show: Brendon, Rachel, and Matt. And for comedic relief, you got the Amazing Enzo. Seriously, there is NO one else really worth caring about. Honestly, the Brenchel alliance has been mostly "bleh," but Rachel is growing on me. Brendan not so much because I've met plenty of very handsome but entitled guys like him in my life, but Rachel's a VERY VERY interesting woman and that was one of the best casting choices by Big Brother in a long long while. (makes up for Andrew a bit, I guess). She's the fiery red-head from Vegas with brains (chemistry degree) and actually some knowledge of BB history! (I'm impressed, even though she misremembers some stuff). And with 2 HOH's already won and a big presence on the show, she looks like she's on her way to Janelle-stardom. Part of me roots for her and wants her to stay in the house. More than I can say for most of the other houseguests.
Kristen being exposed as a huge bi-atch on TV, not accepting Rachel's apology on the live feeds. "Showing her true colors" = bad cliche, but that's what she's doing. She hasn't done anything interesting in the house but is showing a bit of a mean streak. I wouldn't want to hang out w/ her in the house as well. Britney and Rachel are much more easygoing and energetic and more open for guys to talk to. All these girls, as most Big Brother girls have been (few exceptions like Jordan), are pretty catty towards one another, lot of territorialness going on.
The HoH competition today was the epitome of one of the best things about Big Brother. One showmance going head-to-head against another showmance, mano-a-mano, tete-a-tete, and both of them got pretty far. Would've liked to see Rachel v. Kristen final matchup, but still delightful and satisfying at the end. All other HG's = background noise. This week was gonna be one of Brendon, Rachel, Hayden, or Kristen going home. And now we've narrowed it down to 2 (H or K). Good stuff. To the winners go the spoils, that's what HoH is all about.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Random summer thoughts
Watching a documentary called "Lucky," about real-life lottery winners. Seems like the theme is that lottery winners get VERY lucky one time in their lives, but aren't very lucky before OR after winning that lottery, with hitman trying to get them, relatives trying to control their money, bad investments, etc. For me, I consider myself a little lucky over the long term (good health, good family, good mind, good attitude, etc.). I'd rather have my kind of luck.
And honestly, I'd rather become a millionaire the old-fashioned way: Blood, sweat and tears. (Cross fingers)
A.J. Burnett and I have a love-hate relationship riddled with some domestic problems. However, our therapist named Eiland just came back from vacation, and we're doing very well now, thanks. 6+ innings of no-run ball and a win today. Nice work, bro.
I'm a Big Brother fan, but can't remember when BB switched from PB &J was the "punishment food" to slop. Pretty genius idea; there's people who actually LOVE PB &J.....from all I heard about slop, not so much.
I HATE late-inning pitching switches to get a left-hander in to face Adrian Gonzalez. Hey opposing managers, you're a bunch of WUSSIES!!!!!
State of the job market: read a very depressing article in the WSJ recently about the state of the job market, specifically for young college grads. Man, it's tough. The problem is, it wasn't our fault (speaking for all unemployed or underemployed young people) that we weren't working before the Great Recession hit, we were in college and honing our craft (or for most of us, drinking a lot and seldomly going to class). But still, it's the natural course of things. If given a choice, we would have probably started a job before the recesion and tried to keep it....instead of this quicksand that we're stuck in, with too many people looking for too few jobs in a job society that doesn't need us. And maybe it's just me, but it's just a very difficult feeling, knowing that what you're desperately looking for, they don't have enough to give us. We're unwanted, thrust aside, like there's something wrong with us. Picked last in junior high gym. Rejected by colleges. Turned down for a date. Same feeling. And it's not so much our fault......I guess if you studied nursing or a degree that still does well, you're OK, but for the rest of us, I don't think we could have ALL done nursing..
And honestly, for those seeking work, I'd say law schol is not the answer (the WSJ article echoed my sentiment). The legal job market is very saturated right now, and "fundamental" changes in the hiring model is a euphemism for "hiring less people." Sure, there's still starting salaries of $160,000 out there, but those are getting smaller and smaller, and you gotta be VERY very smart to get those.....I am not so much. And the debt that you incur for law school.....don't get me started. The law schools aren't gonna tell you the dirty truth, but those in law school know it well: If you're not getting significant scholarship money to go, and you're not going to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, or another Top 10 law program, it could very well be a bad investment to go. To a risk-averse, don't-like-debt-at-all sort of guy like me, I just don't think it's worth it.
Anyway, more fantasy baseball nuggets:
1. Luke Scott would have been a nice rec for you a week ago, but I think his annual 2-week hitting binge has passed: budget cuts have slowed his roll.
2. Yahoo! leagues don't have him yet, but Michael Pineda is a guy to pick up whenever he gets thrown in the pool. Could be this year's Tommy Hanson.
3. Raise your hand if you thought Andres Torres and Aubrey Huff would be great catalysts this year batting in an austere Giants lineup. Nope, not me.
4. Jose Bautista, YOU ARE RIDICULOUS!
5. This Jeremy Guthrie guy is very tempting to pick up, as he's a Stanford graduate, he has good peripherals, and his fastball's getting faster (to the tick of 97 MPH recently). However, like a tasty donut, this pitcher has some nasty side effects like pitching in the AL East (faces Boston, TB, and NY a lot), is on a bad team that won't win games for him, and older than 30. Ick. et him if there's no fireballers out there.
6. Wait what, Angel Pagan's the #3 hitter in the Mets' lineup?
7. I wouldn't rule out the dynamic duo of Carlos Lee and Lance Berkman having some more summer magic left.
8. Trevor Cahill....You done good, boy.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan
And honestly, I'd rather become a millionaire the old-fashioned way: Blood, sweat and tears. (Cross fingers)
A.J. Burnett and I have a love-hate relationship riddled with some domestic problems. However, our therapist named Eiland just came back from vacation, and we're doing very well now, thanks. 6+ innings of no-run ball and a win today. Nice work, bro.
I'm a Big Brother fan, but can't remember when BB switched from PB &J was the "punishment food" to slop. Pretty genius idea; there's people who actually LOVE PB &J.....from all I heard about slop, not so much.
I HATE late-inning pitching switches to get a left-hander in to face Adrian Gonzalez. Hey opposing managers, you're a bunch of WUSSIES!!!!!
State of the job market: read a very depressing article in the WSJ recently about the state of the job market, specifically for young college grads. Man, it's tough. The problem is, it wasn't our fault (speaking for all unemployed or underemployed young people) that we weren't working before the Great Recession hit, we were in college and honing our craft (or for most of us, drinking a lot and seldomly going to class). But still, it's the natural course of things. If given a choice, we would have probably started a job before the recesion and tried to keep it....instead of this quicksand that we're stuck in, with too many people looking for too few jobs in a job society that doesn't need us. And maybe it's just me, but it's just a very difficult feeling, knowing that what you're desperately looking for, they don't have enough to give us. We're unwanted, thrust aside, like there's something wrong with us. Picked last in junior high gym. Rejected by colleges. Turned down for a date. Same feeling. And it's not so much our fault......I guess if you studied nursing or a degree that still does well, you're OK, but for the rest of us, I don't think we could have ALL done nursing..
And honestly, for those seeking work, I'd say law schol is not the answer (the WSJ article echoed my sentiment). The legal job market is very saturated right now, and "fundamental" changes in the hiring model is a euphemism for "hiring less people." Sure, there's still starting salaries of $160,000 out there, but those are getting smaller and smaller, and you gotta be VERY very smart to get those.....I am not so much. And the debt that you incur for law school.....don't get me started. The law schools aren't gonna tell you the dirty truth, but those in law school know it well: If you're not getting significant scholarship money to go, and you're not going to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, or another Top 10 law program, it could very well be a bad investment to go. To a risk-averse, don't-like-debt-at-all sort of guy like me, I just don't think it's worth it.
Anyway, more fantasy baseball nuggets:
1. Luke Scott would have been a nice rec for you a week ago, but I think his annual 2-week hitting binge has passed: budget cuts have slowed his roll.
2. Yahoo! leagues don't have him yet, but Michael Pineda is a guy to pick up whenever he gets thrown in the pool. Could be this year's Tommy Hanson.
3. Raise your hand if you thought Andres Torres and Aubrey Huff would be great catalysts this year batting in an austere Giants lineup. Nope, not me.
4. Jose Bautista, YOU ARE RIDICULOUS!
5. This Jeremy Guthrie guy is very tempting to pick up, as he's a Stanford graduate, he has good peripherals, and his fastball's getting faster (to the tick of 97 MPH recently). However, like a tasty donut, this pitcher has some nasty side effects like pitching in the AL East (faces Boston, TB, and NY a lot), is on a bad team that won't win games for him, and older than 30. Ick. et him if there's no fireballers out there.
6. Wait what, Angel Pagan's the #3 hitter in the Mets' lineup?
7. I wouldn't rule out the dynamic duo of Carlos Lee and Lance Berkman having some more summer magic left.
8. Trevor Cahill....You done good, boy.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Fantasy baseball analysis, anyone?
LONG overdue analysis on fantasy baseball takes place in this post. Barely talked at all about fantasy baseball this year. But first (Chenbot style): Ten Things I Love about The Wire:
1.) All the storylines tie together. No scene goes wasted, everything has to do with something, so PAY ATTENTION!!!
2.) Very real show. Guarantee you people don't watch Shrek the Third before watching the Wire, or vice versa. No fairy tale endings, no purely "good guys" v. purely "bad guys," and people die very unexpectedly.
3.) McNulty. The F*ck did I do?
4.) hour-long episodes. None of this 42-minutes-cuz-of-commercials nonsense, each episode gives you full value, and even with 60 minutes you wish there was more, like eating a half tub of popcorn and wondering where the other half went.
5.) The subtle jokes. Every half episode or so I laugh out loud cuz of some subtlety, usually a sexually suggestive joke, but very funny. And very real; not your Two-and-a-Half-Men laughsqueezer or Jerry Seinfield "It's a show about nothing." They're realistically funny, yo.
6.) The characters- Bunk, Bubbs, Omar, Brother Mouzone, Barksdales, Wallace, Stringer, Landsmen, Rawls, Rhonda, Kima, Herc, Daniels, Carver, the characters are well-developed in a short amount of time. And again, very real......feel a pattern here???
7.) depicts real aspects of society. The so-called War on Drugs and the death of the working class (Docks) are all that I've covered so far, but it's a different segment of society that I haven't expereienced before.... you learn by experiencing. And you want to learn more.
8.) Omar.....Is there a better character in a TV series than this guy? And his scar is real? Are you serious?
9.) The opening theme music....Keep the Deveil....... down in the hole..... perfect way to get you in the mood for an hour of excellent television.
10.) Out of anything, it has to be the PLOT. How do the stories come up with this stuff? Keeps you on the edge of your seat, all the story lines are getting pushed, and monumental events can happen at any time. Can you ask for anything more?
Fantasy baseball thoughts:
- Nicky Swisher is FOR REAL. Batting in that 2nd hole? Yum.
- Raul Ibanez revving up for a monster 2nd half. Just take a peek at his career numbers in August.
- Year of the pitcher allowing TON of opportunities for young pitchers to shine, see if you recognize these names ( Tommy Hunter, Mat Latos, Jaime Garcia, Colby Lewis, Trevor Cahill, C.J. Wilson.) All our within the Top 100 -ranked players in Yahoo Leagues. And let's not forget the resurgence of Carl Pavano, universally recognized as a joke before the season began.
- Josh Johnson = strong case for Fantasy MVP this year. When you can guarantee your manager that you won't give up more than 2 runs per start, you're gold.
Swine Flu Recovery: Patient Zero, Vicente Padilla, is safely cured and looking like it, pitching well for the Dodgers.
Lesson to be Learned for next season: Pick up the young midseason call-ups: Madison Bumgarner, Carlos Santana, Buster Posey, Kris Medlen, Jhoulys Chacin, all could have been had off the waiver wire.
Second basemen are in short supply this year, but weeks, prado, and especially Robinson Cano filling that void. Usual stalwarts Pedroia and Utley should be back in time for playoff time.
Look for HUGE Augusts from Ryan Howard and Nick Markakis. Howard needs about 20 homers the rest of the year to make up for his usual production, and he's only got 2 months to do it.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan
1.) All the storylines tie together. No scene goes wasted, everything has to do with something, so PAY ATTENTION!!!
2.) Very real show. Guarantee you people don't watch Shrek the Third before watching the Wire, or vice versa. No fairy tale endings, no purely "good guys" v. purely "bad guys," and people die very unexpectedly.
3.) McNulty. The F*ck did I do?
4.) hour-long episodes. None of this 42-minutes-cuz-of-commercials nonsense, each episode gives you full value, and even with 60 minutes you wish there was more, like eating a half tub of popcorn and wondering where the other half went.
5.) The subtle jokes. Every half episode or so I laugh out loud cuz of some subtlety, usually a sexually suggestive joke, but very funny. And very real; not your Two-and-a-Half-Men laughsqueezer or Jerry Seinfield "It's a show about nothing." They're realistically funny, yo.
6.) The characters- Bunk, Bubbs, Omar, Brother Mouzone, Barksdales, Wallace, Stringer, Landsmen, Rawls, Rhonda, Kima, Herc, Daniels, Carver, the characters are well-developed in a short amount of time. And again, very real......feel a pattern here???
7.) depicts real aspects of society. The so-called War on Drugs and the death of the working class (Docks) are all that I've covered so far, but it's a different segment of society that I haven't expereienced before.... you learn by experiencing. And you want to learn more.
8.) Omar.....Is there a better character in a TV series than this guy? And his scar is real? Are you serious?
9.) The opening theme music....Keep the Deveil....... down in the hole..... perfect way to get you in the mood for an hour of excellent television.
10.) Out of anything, it has to be the PLOT. How do the stories come up with this stuff? Keeps you on the edge of your seat, all the story lines are getting pushed, and monumental events can happen at any time. Can you ask for anything more?
Fantasy baseball thoughts:
- Nicky Swisher is FOR REAL. Batting in that 2nd hole? Yum.
- Raul Ibanez revving up for a monster 2nd half. Just take a peek at his career numbers in August.
- Year of the pitcher allowing TON of opportunities for young pitchers to shine, see if you recognize these names ( Tommy Hunter, Mat Latos, Jaime Garcia, Colby Lewis, Trevor Cahill, C.J. Wilson.) All our within the Top 100 -ranked players in Yahoo Leagues. And let's not forget the resurgence of Carl Pavano, universally recognized as a joke before the season began.
- Josh Johnson = strong case for Fantasy MVP this year. When you can guarantee your manager that you won't give up more than 2 runs per start, you're gold.
Swine Flu Recovery: Patient Zero, Vicente Padilla, is safely cured and looking like it, pitching well for the Dodgers.
Lesson to be Learned for next season: Pick up the young midseason call-ups: Madison Bumgarner, Carlos Santana, Buster Posey, Kris Medlen, Jhoulys Chacin, all could have been had off the waiver wire.
Second basemen are in short supply this year, but weeks, prado, and especially Robinson Cano filling that void. Usual stalwarts Pedroia and Utley should be back in time for playoff time.
Look for HUGE Augusts from Ryan Howard and Nick Markakis. Howard needs about 20 homers the rest of the year to make up for his usual production, and he's only got 2 months to do it.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The summer of Brenchel
My summer Super Bowl (Big Brother) has revved up again, and once again I've been sucked in. This year my obsession has reached epidemic levels as not only am I watching live on Showtime's Big Brother After Dark, but now I've upgraded to stalker-levels with the Big Brother live feeds. O, boy....what have I gotten myself into?
First, several observations about this season:
1. Overall the cast this season is tolerable, mostly cuz there's some big characters at the top: The "Brenchel" (Brendon + Rachel) alliance, love'em or hate'em, and most people (like me hate'em) have a tremendous impact on the house, and they put on a good show. The arrival of the evil genius Matt (the best game player this season, btw) and the continuously snarky comments by Britney + Monet (evicted) keep some of the drama going. However, it's like Major League Baseball: there's cream at the top (Yankees, Red Sox, Cardinals), but down at the bottom it's REALLY bad. Casting realy did us a disservice by casting some clunkers like "Haven't said anything interest all season' Lane, "Possibly the worst competitor but game player ever" Kathy, and "Who????" Kristen. These guys literally have no impact on the show whatsoever and are just taking up space. I expected better.
2. It seems like Big Brother this year REALLY wanted to give the HGs a BB history lesson , and most of the cast seems to know a lot about the game, but it's like they know TOO much: instead of creating genuinely new terms and catchphrases that define the season, they COPY from other seasons or allude to past houseguests like Brendon referring to people as "Ronnie" or Matt calling out "Natalie sucks!" in his eviction speech. Nice to know they know a bit about the game, but geez louise tone it down a bit.
3. Per usual, some HORRENDOUS early-season gameplay by certain HGs this season already. I actually think Matt has made correct moves so far (I question volunteering to be a pawn), but keeping the Brigade a secret for 3 weeks is impressive, and targeting Kathy and Andrew instead of Brendon and Rachel is effective as long as Brendon and Rachel keep their word to protect him after this week. Otherwise, it is ABSOLUTELY in Matt's best interest to get out one of the "other guys" who might put him up, as Kathy and Andrew have both expressed and use the backdoor as the alternative. The backdoor was mathematically correct because (I've crunched the numbers) there was a 9/16 chance (roughly 55% ) that BOTH Rachel and Brendon were excluded from playing for POV and thus ensuring the backdoor.
Rachel + Brendon = horrible game players.
Annie = horriblly overplayed herself the first week. As Eric from BB8 prudently suggested, the first week of BB is time to go outside, do some tanning, play a little golf, and as long as it's not you, don't do anything. For a professed BB fan, Annie really screwed up.
Ragan = the REAL floater, he is on best terms with Matt and Rachel, who are on opposite sides of the house. Each week, he jumps to be each side's best friend = epitome of a floater.
4. As this is BB12, we're due for a Houseguest-returns-midseason situation. Get ready for someone to come back. So even if Brendon + Rachel get evicted, one of them might come back, like evil reincarnated.
5. To me, the reason people loved Jeff + Jordan and HATE Brendon + Rachel is the Brenchel showmance seems so they were both LOOKING for somethign like this, and thus the predictability and awkwardness akin to the Bachelor. Jeff + Jordan was like watching a rose arise from the soil slowly and blossom into a genuine summer romance, while Brendon + Rachel is like having some guy from 1-800-FLOWERS show up at your door with an artificial rose and demanding $10 for the service. O, and Jeff and Jordon were much more mellow, much more likeable individual personalities. Rachel has Chima's "OMG stab my ears now!" laugh, and Brendon, beyond the all-American good looks and swimmer physique, is kind of full of himself. Urg. It's almost as bad as if Jessie were back for his 3rd straight season.
Anyway, despite my obvious preference for BB11 in favor of this season, I'll still watch Big Brother 12 play out til the end, and there's still a lot of hope for the season.
What really has my attention this summer, however, is a TV series to top all TV series, the show that people in all circles admit to being the #1 TV show of all-time, objectively. I'm talking about the Wire, yo. Man, when I first started watching this show, I had no idea what was going on, what with Stringer Bell sitting in the courtroom, D'Angelo Barksdale released from prison, McNulty trying to initiate an investigation, it was like "HUH?" I'd just finished watching 24 Season 2, which hits you in the face with the storyline so that you can't miss it, so The Wire was just completely different. But congrats to me for sticking with the show, cuz it's as addicting as the heroin some of its characters peddle. I go more into why I love the time on this blog.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan
First, several observations about this season:
1. Overall the cast this season is tolerable, mostly cuz there's some big characters at the top: The "Brenchel" (Brendon + Rachel) alliance, love'em or hate'em, and most people (like me hate'em) have a tremendous impact on the house, and they put on a good show. The arrival of the evil genius Matt (the best game player this season, btw) and the continuously snarky comments by Britney + Monet (evicted) keep some of the drama going. However, it's like Major League Baseball: there's cream at the top (Yankees, Red Sox, Cardinals), but down at the bottom it's REALLY bad. Casting realy did us a disservice by casting some clunkers like "Haven't said anything interest all season' Lane, "Possibly the worst competitor but game player ever" Kathy, and "Who????" Kristen. These guys literally have no impact on the show whatsoever and are just taking up space. I expected better.
2. It seems like Big Brother this year REALLY wanted to give the HGs a BB history lesson , and most of the cast seems to know a lot about the game, but it's like they know TOO much: instead of creating genuinely new terms and catchphrases that define the season, they COPY from other seasons or allude to past houseguests like Brendon referring to people as "Ronnie" or Matt calling out "Natalie sucks!" in his eviction speech. Nice to know they know a bit about the game, but geez louise tone it down a bit.
3. Per usual, some HORRENDOUS early-season gameplay by certain HGs this season already. I actually think Matt has made correct moves so far (I question volunteering to be a pawn), but keeping the Brigade a secret for 3 weeks is impressive, and targeting Kathy and Andrew instead of Brendon and Rachel is effective as long as Brendon and Rachel keep their word to protect him after this week. Otherwise, it is ABSOLUTELY in Matt's best interest to get out one of the "other guys" who might put him up, as Kathy and Andrew have both expressed and use the backdoor as the alternative. The backdoor was mathematically correct because (I've crunched the numbers) there was a 9/16 chance (roughly 55% ) that BOTH Rachel and Brendon were excluded from playing for POV and thus ensuring the backdoor.
Rachel + Brendon = horrible game players.
Annie = horriblly overplayed herself the first week. As Eric from BB8 prudently suggested, the first week of BB is time to go outside, do some tanning, play a little golf, and as long as it's not you, don't do anything. For a professed BB fan, Annie really screwed up.
Ragan = the REAL floater, he is on best terms with Matt and Rachel, who are on opposite sides of the house. Each week, he jumps to be each side's best friend = epitome of a floater.
4. As this is BB12, we're due for a Houseguest-returns-midseason situation. Get ready for someone to come back. So even if Brendon + Rachel get evicted, one of them might come back, like evil reincarnated.
5. To me, the reason people loved Jeff + Jordan and HATE Brendon + Rachel is the Brenchel showmance seems so they were both LOOKING for somethign like this, and thus the predictability and awkwardness akin to the Bachelor. Jeff + Jordan was like watching a rose arise from the soil slowly and blossom into a genuine summer romance, while Brendon + Rachel is like having some guy from 1-800-FLOWERS show up at your door with an artificial rose and demanding $10 for the service. O, and Jeff and Jordon were much more mellow, much more likeable individual personalities. Rachel has Chima's "OMG stab my ears now!" laugh, and Brendon, beyond the all-American good looks and swimmer physique, is kind of full of himself. Urg. It's almost as bad as if Jessie were back for his 3rd straight season.
Anyway, despite my obvious preference for BB11 in favor of this season, I'll still watch Big Brother 12 play out til the end, and there's still a lot of hope for the season.
What really has my attention this summer, however, is a TV series to top all TV series, the show that people in all circles admit to being the #1 TV show of all-time, objectively. I'm talking about the Wire, yo. Man, when I first started watching this show, I had no idea what was going on, what with Stringer Bell sitting in the courtroom, D'Angelo Barksdale released from prison, McNulty trying to initiate an investigation, it was like "HUH?" I'd just finished watching 24 Season 2, which hits you in the face with the storyline so that you can't miss it, so The Wire was just completely different. But congrats to me for sticking with the show, cuz it's as addicting as the heroin some of its characters peddle. I go more into why I love the time on this blog.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan
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