Sunday, April 25, 2010


I have a mild headache today, which makes me wonder why headaches occur. I always ponder what exactly is the direct cause (as opposed to the proximate cause) of a headache whenever someone says, "I have a huge migraine after that test" or "you're giving me a headache!" or just simply "you're a pain in the butt." ( I get that a little too often).

1.) high stress- this is actually scientifically proven
a. high stress from getting into nervous environment ( before a test, before getting on roller coaster, etc.)
b. emotional stress
2.) High blood pressure: another reason why you gotta watch what you eat.
3.) Brain tumors: a very serious thing, this is really unfortunate and I feel for those who have it.
4.) Genetics: some people are just more prone to have chronic headaches, whether it's cuz they're bodily mechanisms dictate that or they have a genetic mutation within their blood plate structure. Don't know the science of it (this was not meant to be a scientific article).
5.) Getting annoyed, often caused by really un-self-conscious people who refuse to be quiet.
6.) "Thinking too much," as witnessed in the latest episode of Survivor: Heroes v. Villains by Amanda, who was totally outplayed by previous best friend but now opposite-sides-of-alliances-and probably the best Survivor player ever, Parvati. Amanda gave away that the Heroes probably WEREN'T voting for Parvati, destroying her alliance's chances at winning but then having a built-in excuse when shecomplained about "getting a headache."
7.) Watching your fantasy baseball pitchers implode little by little- Looking at you, Justin Masterson. Probably more torturous than just a straight 3-run home run is watching your pitcher give up walk, hit, walk, hit, walk, walk, as your WHIP just gets incrementally higher every time. Over a sustained period of time, this is known to cause
7a.) Related to #7 = watching your basketball team get destroyed at home, effectively ending the series going back to Cleveland for Game 5 (talking about the Bulls).
8.) Trying to read size-10 font or really small lettering for long periods of time- not recommended for your eyes, neither, either expand the font or take a break for a bit.
9.) Anderson Varejao.
10.) General unease about law school exams, life, etc........closely related to stress, but this one's more just worrying so much to the extent of almost having a mental breakdown.
11.) Having to talk to your mother for the 3rd time in a week: This one should be done in moderation, in which case it has the opposite effect of soothing you and ensuring you're in a loving relationship, but there's definitely a law of diminishing, even negative returns, once you cross a certain point.

12.) Blogging about headaches when you already have one......didn't think it would help, but I gave it a shot and it really didn't. I'm sure there's more causes, but I'm gonna put an end to one right now before more pain ensues....

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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