Friday, November 20, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Fantasy Sports Manager

This can be your novice fantasy player or your most seasoned of fantasy experts: everyone needs a schedule for satisfying your fantasy cravings

7:00AM Morning Wake up call (usually a little ditty, or a famous tune, but for the most ardent of fantasy managers, automatically tuned to the Daily Fantasy Sports Show).
7:00AM Hit the snooze button on your alarm, go back to sleep.
7:20 AM Finally decide to wake up because there will be severe consequences if you don't
7:21 AM Log on to laptop computer, access fantasy teams.
7:23 AM See How your team fared the previous night
2 Options: 1.) If players did well, sing the praises of (insert best performer here), marvel at own fantasy prowess, proclaim with 100% conviction to "just engrave my name in the championship now.
2.) If players did poorly, curse and moan about every single player on your roster and their weaknesses, swear to never draft/ pick up (insert worst performer here), drown yourself in sorrows.

7:45AM Have breakfast, flip on sportscenter to matchup your player's stats with real-life plays that occured.
8:00 AM Get in the car on your way to school/work.
8:00AM -8:30 AM Reflect on your team's weaknesses/ strengths, ponder long-term strategies and possible improvements to make.

8:30AM-9:00AM Arrive at work/school, seek out other fantasy managers in your league at the water cooler, launch into strictly fantasy talk.
Option 1: If team did well, brag about how much of a genius you are at fantasy rub into the face of team that you just beat in a head-to-head matchup
Option 2: If team did poorly, avoid all talk of team's own deficiencies, lament on how opposing manager got extremely lucky in picking his good players and how you hope (insert other manager's best player) doesn't get hurt soon, while secretly praying that he does.

9:00AM -12:00AM
Go through the motions of work/school, pretending to learn/ get work done will suffering from Fantasy withdrawal.

12:00AM -1:00PM
Have lunch with fellow classmates/ co-workers. While eating, pick up on little things that they do, such as allude to their appreciation for Maurice Jones-Drew, or their affinity to take risks on things (going for the spiciest burrito on the menu), or their plans for the weekend (as a gauge for how much attention they'll put on fantasy) to get the most important insight on your opposition. Lunch is not just a social activity; it's an all-important scouting trip.

After spending a rough morning off from fantasy, you go back to doing "work," but of course with one screen open to fantasy news, fantasy alerts, and the o-so-awesome fantasy blog, Have the "boss" or "professor" button ready to flip over to real spreadsheets and official-looking documents in case person of authority happens to be near your computer screen.

If in fantasy basketball league, chew your nails and sip several cokes/coffees/Redbulls/Monsters in anticipation of the start of hoops at 7:00PMET (4:00AM PT, depending on where you live.) Anxiously browse over box scores before games to make sure your "boys" are in there and will be producing for you. Break out the lucky charms, magical devices, rabbit's feat, lucky keychains, and do whatever prayers you feel are necessary.

5:00PM- 8:00PM
Watch said sport religiously, not even caring about the score but instead concentrating on how many points your boys score, while people watching the game with you give you weird looks as you root for divsion rival/archenemy/ team currently playing the team of the city that you live in.

8:00PM- 12:00PM
Go to sleep with a smile on your face, knowing that tomorrow is another day of fantasy, and the cycle will start all over again.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan

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