Friday, September 25, 2009

Yan's Law Dictionary: The 1L's Guide to the First year of Law school

My interpretation to what things mean for 1L's in (possibly the most stressful) year of their lives. Thank God I no longer need the Yan's Law Dictionary.

1.) Stress: As common as the freeway pothole or cereal for breakfast, it will consume your day and show up whenever you least want it. However, you have to live it, accept it, embrace it, and love it. As bad as it feels now, it'll feel that much better when you're doing with it.

2.) Family time: not part of the vocabulary.

3.) Outlines: change the term "out" to "life" and that's the accurate description: these things should be like your left and right arms, around at all times ready to roll. Always be working them out, adding to them, improving them, and using them to study for the exam. O but if you see someone else's that looks better, feel free to ask for it. Don't expect everyone to give them to you: after all, that's like asking for their right arm.

4.) Professors: the people who hold your life in their hands. Be nice to them, talk to them, see what they eat for lunch, what they're thinking at all times, what you could possibility do extra to prepare for their exams. However, take advice with grain of salt. These people are living legends who went to the most prestigious of law schools; their minds may be of a different breed than ours.

5.) TV: Use only when in special need of a break or after a long session of studying to cool down or lower insanely high stress levels; do not watch for enjoyment, fulfillment, or leisure. If still using for more than 2 hours at a time with inability to stop, discontinue the TV and send it back home. Seriously.

6.) Classmates: The only people suffering just as much or more than you are. Rely on them for guidance, support, camaraderie. However, be careful with certain of these, they may be providing misguided/ misinformation.

7.) Legal writing assignments: Sure to sour your weekend if you don't do them before, they take up a significant amount of time and are not graded accordingly. If not taken seriously, they can have disastrous effects on your future legal career.

8.) Bluebook: May as well be the Bible for 1L's: search its contents for morsels of knowledge, never take for granted, always double-check before applying.

9.) Law Library: Welcome to your new home for the next 9 months or so. The librarians are here to help, the books are plentiful, it's really quiet except for people typing out their outlines and gaining more knowledge than you; it opens at 8 and closes at 11. Have fun.

10.) Supplements: Often times more valuable than the casebooks, these are like windshield wipers for a difficult, rain-soaked drive through the storm. Ask at the store which ones are the best for your car (professor) and test as the semester rolls along, especially when rain turns into sleet and you REALLY can't see.

11 .) Fantasy sports blogs: these might have to be put on hiatus for the year, except for special occasions.

Fantasize on,

Robert yan

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