Sunday, September 20, 2009

Big Brother Wrap-up

Been so busy that I didn't update the finale of Big Brother.

GREAT programming decision by producers/ CBS to make a 2-hour finale on Tuesday. Absolutely great build-up to the Final HoH competition, and I told my roommate, "whoever wins this last comp wins Big Brother." And it was true. Kevin went into the night w/ his fate in his hands, didn't matter who he brought to Final 2 he woulda won, but just missed the tiebreaker guestimation question. 80 was a poor guess, bro. Maybe it's just me, but as a BB fan and viewer you HAVE to be ready for that question, "how many total votes to evict have been cast?" that's been used before, it's a pretty obvious question to ask, and it doesn't ake very long to knock that one out, memorize it, and study something else like dates. To be fair, Jordan hadn't studied neither and guessed 50 "cuz it was in the middle," but it was a better guess, and now Kevin's gonna regret for the rest of his life not knowing that simple question.

Kevin was the best player left in there, but this season just goes to illustrate my philosophy about BB: "Power is weakness, weakness is power." You gotta be perceived as weak in the house to survive. Otherwise, you screw up on one competition and it's over for you. Just ask Jeff. Or any "James" from the previous seasons. Or Janelle. Don't ask Dick, cuz he'll gloat even though he played badly and was saved by America's Player ( i'll go to my grave maintaing that).

I was so excited about Jordan winning on finale night. For one night, I put aside my nose-in-the-air attitude that all BB winners should be great game players and have played the game. I thought Natalie played the better game, but if i was a juror i definitely would have voted for Jordan. One of the articles on RealityWanted got it right: amongst the bad economic times, the bad that we see every day in our daily lives, it's refreshing to see someone who personifies good to come out on top.

(Not that Jordan was ALWAYS the sweetest girl- look up her fight w/ Lydia and Russell, but those were excusable as she's only 21, and really, the house makes you lose your cool.)

This season of BB for me was the best season. I might be biased because of my constant access to BB AfterDark, my hatred for Natalie/Chima/Ronnie and contentment when they went down, or the fact I was more emotionally involved in this season than ever before, but the characters were awesome/ the cliques got us off to a nice start/ there were memorable moves/ plenty of fights/ likable winner, and I really thought this was the best BB ever. I think the ratings CBS garnered agreed with that sentiment.

All of this just makes me want to do Big Brother so much more. The scheming, the competitions, the characters, the secrets, the alliances, the diary room sessions, the pranks, the sexual tension, the boredom, the cabin fever, the slop, the America's choice votings, the madness that is BB......I want to be a part of it, and I am taking direct aim at BB12. Here I come!

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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