Sunday, September 27, 2009

NFL week 3

Did a week 3 prediction chart on all the NFL games going on, against the spread ( w/ the +3 or -5 pts, for those of you who aren't degenerate gamblers out there). Watchin' the 4 o'clock games (or in Pacific time, the 1PM games).

Pretty intriuging stuff: Philip Rivers just completed a fleaficker to Gates after giving it to Sproles, but I'm more impressed with Sproles's ability to pass back to Rivers on a line.

Scratch that, I AM very impressed w/ Rivers: for scrambling on 3rd and Goal to get into the endzone, UNTOUCHED. Good presence. I agree, this is his team now, and he's gotta push them into the playoffs, even if the Bolts think they can breeze in w/ a weak division. The obstacle this year: Still the Broncos, who changed QB's, coaches, RB's, brand of cereal eaten in the morning, number of trips they go to the bathroom, but still threatening to go 3-0 to start.

Before I forget, Amazing Race 2-hour premiere tonight, w/ a team supposedly being eliminated before even going anywhere. Theories:

1.) Hot-dog eating contest at the beginning, last team to eat 10 hot dogs total doesn't start, but also doesn't have to start on a world-wide experience w/ severe indigestion.

2.) "Shaq versus" comes to Amazing Race, and the contestants have to beat Shaq at world geography before moving on, last team to identify that "mexico city" is in mexico stays behind.

3.) Phil Keoghan, the beloved host, walks up to random team, clears his throat, pauses for suspense, and phil-iminates them on the spot, peremptorily. Because he could.

Who's this Johnny Knox guy that has become Jay Cutler's favorite target? Sounds like a Cartoon Network hero, playing like the Roadrunner getting past Wiley E. Coyote, who can't catch up to him.

Chad Henne sighting: playing QB for Miami. First Chad pennington, then Cleo Lemon, now Chad Henne? A couple yers ago I had to turn down a good offer for a "Henne rhymes with *&^%$%$ shirt at University of Illinois.

I woulda recommended Jason Hanson for a fantasy start this week, as the Lions can actually score points, and they were able to upset the Redskins at home. If I were Washington, I'd be too embarrassed to play the next week. Plus, they're in the same division as Dallas, Philly, and NYG, so yea their season's pretty much over anyway. Tough sports town, D.C. is now. They now have to resort to hockey- not a pleasant alternative.

My suggestion for playing tennis: Eat a banana beforehand. Seriously. It keeps your energy level up, you feel good about yourself, it reall effects the way you play.

Pick up Mike Sims-walker for Jacksonville. Another solid 81-yard performance today, he looks like the tallest of the midgets in the Jaguar WR corps and he's young, and the other hyphenated guy on Jags is very good (Jones-Drew), so why not take a chance?

Look for Peyton Manning to tear up the Arizona D in the desert tonight. At least a 96% chance of 300 yards raining down at Sun Devil Stadium (Is that still where they play? I only get that impression cuz of Jerry Maguire).

Wow, ANOTHER over-the-top throw to a WR by Philip Rivers. He is very can sling it, even when he was part of the wolf pack at NC State.

JaMarcus Russell stinks.........automatic drop, methinks, and he's really going the way of Cade McNown.

What's this? Drew Brees only has 140 yards? And it's the 4th quarter? Wow......speaks volumes about the Bills D, the 3rd straight game they've had a tremendous effort. Did T.O. even play this game? 0 catches for 0 yards............I shoulda vocalized that I was very low on him this year......this is why.

If you started Brady Quinn today, it's like the website totally deserved it. He got pulled in favor of Derek Anderson cuz he just can't throw, and especially at Baltimore that was a death trap.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Friday, September 25, 2009

Yan's Law Dictionary: The 1L's Guide to the First year of Law school

My interpretation to what things mean for 1L's in (possibly the most stressful) year of their lives. Thank God I no longer need the Yan's Law Dictionary.

1.) Stress: As common as the freeway pothole or cereal for breakfast, it will consume your day and show up whenever you least want it. However, you have to live it, accept it, embrace it, and love it. As bad as it feels now, it'll feel that much better when you're doing with it.

2.) Family time: not part of the vocabulary.

3.) Outlines: change the term "out" to "life" and that's the accurate description: these things should be like your left and right arms, around at all times ready to roll. Always be working them out, adding to them, improving them, and using them to study for the exam. O but if you see someone else's that looks better, feel free to ask for it. Don't expect everyone to give them to you: after all, that's like asking for their right arm.

4.) Professors: the people who hold your life in their hands. Be nice to them, talk to them, see what they eat for lunch, what they're thinking at all times, what you could possibility do extra to prepare for their exams. However, take advice with grain of salt. These people are living legends who went to the most prestigious of law schools; their minds may be of a different breed than ours.

5.) TV: Use only when in special need of a break or after a long session of studying to cool down or lower insanely high stress levels; do not watch for enjoyment, fulfillment, or leisure. If still using for more than 2 hours at a time with inability to stop, discontinue the TV and send it back home. Seriously.

6.) Classmates: The only people suffering just as much or more than you are. Rely on them for guidance, support, camaraderie. However, be careful with certain of these, they may be providing misguided/ misinformation.

7.) Legal writing assignments: Sure to sour your weekend if you don't do them before, they take up a significant amount of time and are not graded accordingly. If not taken seriously, they can have disastrous effects on your future legal career.

8.) Bluebook: May as well be the Bible for 1L's: search its contents for morsels of knowledge, never take for granted, always double-check before applying.

9.) Law Library: Welcome to your new home for the next 9 months or so. The librarians are here to help, the books are plentiful, it's really quiet except for people typing out their outlines and gaining more knowledge than you; it opens at 8 and closes at 11. Have fun.

10.) Supplements: Often times more valuable than the casebooks, these are like windshield wipers for a difficult, rain-soaked drive through the storm. Ask at the store which ones are the best for your car (professor) and test as the semester rolls along, especially when rain turns into sleet and you REALLY can't see.

11 .) Fantasy sports blogs: these might have to be put on hiatus for the year, except for special occasions.

Fantasize on,

Robert yan

Monday, September 21, 2009

Angels Game

Going to the Game tonight between the two teams above. When I went to the Angels game in June, both these teams were trailing in their divisions and fighting for their playoff lives. Now the Yanks can clinch berth tonight, Angels right on the verge. Possible playoff preview? Let's hope so, and preferably in the ALCS.
Watched "Match Point" last night (2005 film). Underrated movie, IMO conveys a strong message: we're controlled more by luck than we choose to admit. Indeed, indeed.
With passing of Big Brother and coming of football marks the transition from summer to fall. Wouldn't know it here in LA, but winter's on the horizon. Eat your heart out, people still in the Midwest/ East Coast/anywhere but SoCal: LA weather's taking care of me, now going on 2 years in a row.
Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Big Brother Wrap-up

Been so busy that I didn't update the finale of Big Brother.

GREAT programming decision by producers/ CBS to make a 2-hour finale on Tuesday. Absolutely great build-up to the Final HoH competition, and I told my roommate, "whoever wins this last comp wins Big Brother." And it was true. Kevin went into the night w/ his fate in his hands, didn't matter who he brought to Final 2 he woulda won, but just missed the tiebreaker guestimation question. 80 was a poor guess, bro. Maybe it's just me, but as a BB fan and viewer you HAVE to be ready for that question, "how many total votes to evict have been cast?" that's been used before, it's a pretty obvious question to ask, and it doesn't ake very long to knock that one out, memorize it, and study something else like dates. To be fair, Jordan hadn't studied neither and guessed 50 "cuz it was in the middle," but it was a better guess, and now Kevin's gonna regret for the rest of his life not knowing that simple question.

Kevin was the best player left in there, but this season just goes to illustrate my philosophy about BB: "Power is weakness, weakness is power." You gotta be perceived as weak in the house to survive. Otherwise, you screw up on one competition and it's over for you. Just ask Jeff. Or any "James" from the previous seasons. Or Janelle. Don't ask Dick, cuz he'll gloat even though he played badly and was saved by America's Player ( i'll go to my grave maintaing that).

I was so excited about Jordan winning on finale night. For one night, I put aside my nose-in-the-air attitude that all BB winners should be great game players and have played the game. I thought Natalie played the better game, but if i was a juror i definitely would have voted for Jordan. One of the articles on RealityWanted got it right: amongst the bad economic times, the bad that we see every day in our daily lives, it's refreshing to see someone who personifies good to come out on top.

(Not that Jordan was ALWAYS the sweetest girl- look up her fight w/ Lydia and Russell, but those were excusable as she's only 21, and really, the house makes you lose your cool.)

This season of BB for me was the best season. I might be biased because of my constant access to BB AfterDark, my hatred for Natalie/Chima/Ronnie and contentment when they went down, or the fact I was more emotionally involved in this season than ever before, but the characters were awesome/ the cliques got us off to a nice start/ there were memorable moves/ plenty of fights/ likable winner, and I really thought this was the best BB ever. I think the ratings CBS garnered agreed with that sentiment.

All of this just makes me want to do Big Brother so much more. The scheming, the competitions, the characters, the secrets, the alliances, the diary room sessions, the pranks, the sexual tension, the boredom, the cabin fever, the slop, the America's choice votings, the madness that is BB......I want to be a part of it, and I am taking direct aim at BB12. Here I come!

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Saturday, September 5, 2009

LA Traffic

Switch it up a bit, talk about a random topic.

I may be biased, but in LA, the 101, 405, and 10 form a triangle of death, a Bermuda triangle if you will, around Hollywood, Century City and Downtown L.A. that suffocates many a driver on a daily basis. It's a death zone that may cost you hours on end, a place you avoid at all costs, even at nights, and shame on you if you think you'll get to your destination on time.

It's easy to say, "Everyone knows this. It's not a secret. Here's the thing, though: sometimes the still traffic can lull you to sleep. You'll have a clean drive one day, nothing but smooth sailing, and you're like, "wow, this isn't so bad. I could do this every day." You store this in the back of your mind, you go about the rest of the day without thinking about it, then wake up the following morning and do the same drive expecting the same. UH-unh. not happening. Bumper to bumper, guys cutting you off, motorcycles getting through the cracks and getting ahead, you sitting back in your car groaning and having to listen to traffic updates on the radio belatedly stating the obvious: That you are PIGEONHOLED in traffic.

I am not a big fan of traffic. This may be a difficult year commuting to school.

Enjoyable things in life: Listening to the Colin Cowherd show. Gotta give this guy props, he gives to you fresh, he gives you what he thinks, and he's perfected his trade. I AM research!

Playing any kind of sport in LA: No wonder so many athletes come from around here. The temperature doesn't get too hot in the summer, it's usually 75 and sunny, there's no winter storms or April showers to worry about, and the wind is just a gentle breeze that cools you off a bit. Go outside and grab any ball you want and it's yours. Makes me think I woulda been an athlete if I grew up here (probably not). But explains why chess is more popular in the I-L-L than So-Cal. And also why people in So-cal don't read anything besides Harry Potter.

Brett Favre is a prima donna ( 3 days ago I spelled this word pre-madonna during a fantasy football draft to the whole league, cracked people up, in the bad way). I'm not wearing those Wrangler jeans, Brett.

Football makes me think of snow. Snow makes me think of getting to class in zero-degree weather with a biting December wind. Will I ever have to go back to that?

Apologize for the randomness today. Trying not to peek at who won the final Power-of-veto competition in the BB house. Absolutely distressed when Natalie won a fact-or-fiction HoH competition (very random comp, IMO) that put Michele in jeopardy this week. Sigh. If only I could be warped in the house (like a wizard) and give Natalie her due.

Playoffs in fantasy baseball start next week. My suggestion for fellow about-to-begin-playoffs owners: set your pitching staff NOW, check the other staff's pitching staff, and consider becomeing an ERA nurse (start only one guy who you KNOW will pitch well, then bench all other pitchers and just settle w/ ERA and WHIP cats for the week, take chances with batting. Recommended if have a batting-heavy split like I do, PLUS opponent is pitching-rich. Use with discretion; Exercise extreme caution.

Fantasize on,

Robert Yan