Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yogi Berra was actually talking about law school

Yup, you heard it right.......Yogi Bera, the former baseball player who is probably better known for his random quotes that live on through the ages, was NOT talkin' about baseball. He was talking about basebal. Allow me to illustrate:

1.) "This is like deja vu all over again."
This time of year, first-year law school students around the country are saying this exact thing as they realize that they have to buckle down, turn off the TV's, bust out the notes, manufacture the outlines, and and to some good old law school studyin', something they did (to the extreme first semester). Take it from me firsthand, It IS like deja vu all over again.

2.) "I'd find the fellow who list it, and if he's poor, I'd return it." This is a classic line about finder's law in property, where the system tries to incentive people to give people back the stuff that they lost.

3.) ____Law school _ is 90% mental ----- the other half is physical. Not sure what this meant about Yogi's math skills, but law school IS only 90% might think it's more, but there's also the making of outlines (lots of typing), the physical endurance of studying day and night, the discipline not to overeat: a lot of things go it it.

4.) "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." The book Getting to Maybe is recommended reading for all incoming law tudents, and it breaches this very fact: Law school is all about finding 2 ways to interpret an issue, and going down that fork to explore all the possibilities, then going down the other fork. Right on, Yogi.

5.) "It was impossible to get a conversation going; everyone was talking too much." Gunners, gunners, gunners. Gunners in law school don't stop talking; to the detriment of everyone else.

6.) "If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer." Sadly, this is one that Yogi got wrong. Or at least, he's giving really bad advice because the worst thing on law school exams is not to answer w/ anything. First off, most of the tests are open-book, so if you look hard enough even during the exam you can find stuff, and secondly you ALWAYS say SOMETHING......never just say nothing cuz there's always points to be had.

7.) "In ____law school_____, you don't know nothing." Truer words have never been said. Paraphrased: "You think you know, but you have NO IDEA!"

8.) " If you don't know where you're going, you might end up somewhere else." Especially in the deep, dark, mystifying channels of property law. You could be in the land of nuisances one moment and suddenly find yourself talking about takings, way off the beaten path. Take a deep breath and sort it out, man.

9.) "We made too many wrong mistakes." -- I guess applies to crim law: (mistakes of fact, mistakes of law.) Although, admittedly, this quote was a bit of a stretch. I had to get to 10, right?

10.) "It ain't over till it's over." Sadly, it's true: the first year of law school is definitely NOT over, and there's a lot of work to do. It's seemed like forever, yet forever's about to end. (Take THAT, Yogi! That's my own quote about law school!)

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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