Saturday, April 18, 2009

Is Law School like Hogwarts?

Recently I was talking to a dude, apparently a big Harry Potter fan, and he was like, "dude, law school is so much like Hogwarts!" and I'm like, "word!"

Therefore, lemme start a thread on how law school is just like Hogwarts. For those of you who have been deprived of a childhood enough to not be acclimated to the best-selling Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, Hogwarts is the School of Witchcraft and Wizadry, attended by Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, headmastered primarily by one Albus Dumbledore, facultied by Severus Snape..........

Hogwarts: Sorting Hat sorts all the incoming first-years equally into different schoolhouses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravencaw or Slytherin.
USC Law School: The Head of Admissions (or Dean of Admissions, I'm not sure which) sorts all incoming students into 3 different supersections: A-D, E-H, I-L.
* In addition, this comparison has further weight because the people you get sorted with into the same house become your friends and the people you talk to the see them all the time, whether it's living together (at Hogwarts) or taking all the same classes together at USC Law.

2.) Pictures on the walls of important figures
Hogwarts: Live paintings of ghosts, former headmasters, important mythical figures, etc.
USC Law school: paintings of former deans of the law school as you move up the stairs to the library. They are also "live" in that every time you walk past a painting it's as if that dean's eyes follow you, making sure you are up to no mischief.......

3.) Hogwarts: The Forbidden Forest, where students like Harry Potter go anyway
USC Law school: The path near the bookstore where you're forbidden to ride bikes or skateboards, but where people ride their bikes and go on their skateboards anyway.

4.) Hogwarts: Defense against the Dark Arts Class, teaching defensive techniques to block spells, charms, curses, and jinxes cast by other wizards
USC Law school: Legal Professionalism Class, teaching defensive techniques to block malpractice suits filed by other lawyers against you.

5.) Hogwarts: Use of enchanted broomsticks is taught to first years only in Hogwarts, to help young witches and wizards embrace the primary tool of their trade.
USC Law School: Use of legal writing is taught to first years only at USC Law, to help young aspiring lawyers to embrace the primary tool of their trade, the ability to file a motion to dismiss.

6.) Hogwarts: Student life consists of: Students sit at their own House table and eat and socialise, or finish homework. During breakfast, owls bring in the students' post, things like the Daily Prophet
USC Law school: Students sit with members of their own section and eat and socialize, or complain about how much homework they have. During lunch, magical spirits stuff students' mailboxes with things like the Law school journal.

7.) Hogwarts: There are nine known secret passages in and out of school.
USC Law School: the 3rd-floor walk from elevator to where you turn in your legal writing assignments is a long and maze-like contraption, full of false exits and looping turns. There are also obscure staircases that no one use that lead to nowhere.....word is, people have lost their way within the building and been trapped forever.

That's it for now........If any readers would like to add to my list, please comment or email me. I hope to compile many more comparisons throughout my time at law school. It also gives me more incentive to re-watch and re-read those Harry Potters. Happy times!

-Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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