Thursday, December 25, 2008

Extra Gift under the tree: More fantasy b-ball analysis

Back to business: As it's christmas and I'm in a giving mood, this is an extra long post on fantasy basketball players. It's really not a big problem for me, it's like telling an ice cream taster that he's got another batch coming: No complaints here.

I will say that basketball seems to be more interesting this year already: I dunno if it's again that dichotomy between law school and leisure, but it sure seems like storylines are getting better: LeBron James maturing into the legendary one like he should be, dwayne wade being my favorite player by morphing back to 2006 form, and the lakers-celtics inevitable finals matchup (Many think it HAS to happen- w/o a better option I'd have to agree w/ them).

Thinking about gettin' an intramural softball league going for law school: Be nice to bond w/ some peeps. Also, wanna have the SBA 1L reps to start some sorta talent show at the end of the show, w/o people embarrassing themselves of course. (Gotta imagine someone has a fire-breathing or grass-whistling trick up their sleeve in law school)

I'll do my player evals in this format: How high I was on the player on draft day, and whether they've exceeded general expectations. (By animal, I guess, big = exceeded, small = underacheived)

Allen Iverson: Like a termite. This guy has grossly underachieved, most of it not on him after getting traded to the graveyard of fantasy entities: Detroit. Doesn't fit his game at all, it's like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole, doesn't work. Especially not for AI's fantasy game. If anything, rodney stuckey is BETTER than the answer there.

Steve Nash: Butterfly. Sure he still looks flashy, still got that soccer-playing, handsomely charming, European good looks, but his numbers are downright ugly. Less assists, less 3's, less points, more turnovers, not good. Right there that's the 4 no-no's. And it's not like he's been hurt, which can be explained away. It's just the system has changed, and that's never a good thing if the coach isn't close to being fired yet. Uh-oh.

Rhinocerous. Prodigious just cuz he hasn't gotten hurt yet. Lovely good, having him healthy and producing at Y!- ranked 8th level. Those peripherals alone are to die for: 54.4% FG and 88% FT, at a high volume too helps carry those 2 cats. It's like finding some ivory horns in your closet.

Jason Richardson- earthworm. Definitely shriveling. What could u expect from any fantasy player who was in charlotte long-term? Actually, he's no longer in charlotte and in phoenix where u'd think the fantasy atmosphere's more favorable, but shaq's bogging down that offense and jr's like the 4th option on that time. Urg if you're his owners.

Josh Smith- Dinosaur egg. Kinda puny right now, but very soon about to become a giant. Started off slow, but he's still a freak, and freaks put up steals and blks in abundance for a long time in this league, unless your name is andrei kirilenko. Smith will explode (hatch) soon.

Brandon Roy: shark. 52 points? Who? Roy. I was high on him comin out of college after he single-handedly eliminated the Illini from the tournament one year, so this comes as no shock to me. Again, there's some wierd air in the pacific northwest.

Pau Gasol: Fox. Not huge, not foreboding, but plays very smart, very consistent, comes to work night in and night out, love his work ethic and what he means for lakers ( lakers = mediocore team w/o him).

Danny Granger: cassowary (very big bird that nobody talks about). That's Granger in a nut shell. Puts up great numbrs, everything you need ( 2.5 3's, 1.0 stls, 1.4 blks, and 24 pts) but just is like a forgotten man in indiana. Fantasy force for many years to come.

"You are as high as a kite!" just saw an ad for pineapple express. Hahahaha.

Nene: Tazmanian Devil. for many years we heard about what this guy could do when healthy. Well, now we know. Stud for the nuggs, he just looks like a whirlwind on the floor. Also steals and swats like nobody's business.

Again, Merry Christmas, everyone!
Present over.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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