Sunday, April 13, 2008

10 things I wish I woulda known......

About this NBA season at the start:

1.) Marcus Camby was gonna be healthy all year. Wow, that woulda made a difference. To give him credit, this guy has gutted it out all year despite my ( and other experts') consistent pleas to sell high on him, and when he's healthy he's real, real good. Plus he's a C, which u need in many leagues. Looks like he'll play 79 games this season................79 games of sick production: I mean, you just don't get guys who put up 13 + rebs a game and 3.6 blks a game very often. For 79 games.

2.) The Chicago Bulls were gonna be terrible. This is not that fantasy relevant cuz since I have always tended to stay away from them due to their teamwork and lack of a truly dominant player, but it woulda been nice to know just as a fan. They were truly lackluster this year, no other way to describe it. They'd always spool out a bit of hope beating golden state or cleveland multiple times, but nothing spectacular at all about this team. And not gonna make the playoffs in east = ew.

3.) Mike Dunleavy's breakout season has arrived. Yup, he's good! ( this is an obscure reference from the most popular Time cover of all time, ellen degeneres's, "Yup, I'm gay!") But yea, great stats from Jr. this year, especially the 18.8 pts and 2.0 3's a game. He could always shoot and be a tall guy (6-9), but now we know given the opportunity, he can play a bit, too.

4.) Yao Ming and Dwayne Wade would have season-ending injuries. Every year there are season-enders that cut off people's fantasy seasons: High profile cases like Yao and Wade happened this year, never good when ur first-rounders are out. This includes gilbert arenas, although he wasn't technically out for the season as he came back recently, but for all intents and purposes, he did the same.

*Sidenote: Also, Elton Brand was already injured before the season started, but he'd also be clumped in this category if you drafted him thinking he was healthy.

5.) The trio of Pierce, Allen, and Garnett wouldn't cut too bad into any one of their fantasy seasons. Despite Garnett going down slightly in production ( he sank below LBJ, paul, and marion but not much farther than that), these 3 found enough synergy to make up for the limitations of one ball and were able to put up great fantasy numbers and stay healthy all season and produce at least what owners were expecting, so anybody who resisted the hype of them stealing from each other got rewarded.

6.) High-powered offenses would still generate high-powered fantasy players. What immediately comes to mind are the Phoenix suns and golden state warriors. Not much surprise that they were able to maintain great stats for their members, but i thought there might be a drop-off, for the warriors especially. However, monta ellis got better, baron davis stayed healthy, andris biedrins still was the only big guy, and everybody fed off runnin up and down the court.

7.) The Denver Nuggets would be the easiest team to put fantasy #'s on. This was a result of the nuggets not only playing very little defense, but playing a frantic pace up and down, allowing for more possessions for both teams to do whatever. Consistently 120+ scores either for or against the nuggets this season. Thanks. George Karl.

8.) All the mid-season trades that were rumored to happen did actually happen. That woulda allowed me to get an early jump on getting excited about the season. Now I'm REALLY excited about the postseason. WHOO! ( Let's get it started, in here, Let's get it started........)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Aspirations of appearing on Reality TV

Ahh, it's that time of year again.... I find that over the course of my life i have a lot of phases that I go through, and right about now i'm firmly entrenched in my reality TV craze. Call it illusions of grandeur, celebrity-chasing, pure insanity, or whatever, but i firmly believe that one day I will be on a Reality TV show. And do well.

I've been watching a lot of these reality TV shows since they become popular ( and since a lot of TV viewers bashed them for being low quality). I agree, a lot of them are pure trash ( Temptation Island, ManHunt, Rock of Love, the next great inventor come to mind), but a lot of them are, for me, very tempting.

Below I've compiled the list of shows I would want to be on:

1.) The Mole
2.) Big Brother
3.) Survivor
4.) Amazing Race
5.) The apprentice

This is, of course, all given that these shows still exist in a few years when I'm in my prime. The only reason I've been stopped all these years is that I'm not yet 21, that happens May 9th of this year for anyone checking. I feel like the clock's ticking down, but for once in my life I feel like MY OWN LIFE is moving too slow in that I'm not catching up to the reality TV craze. I REALLY REALLY HOPE that the mole does well in its return this season on ABC, not only cuz i'm a big fan but cuz i'd FINALLY be eligible for the next casting call.
And if I sound like i'm a lunatic, feel free to read on to the fantasy advice. As always. No pressure.
One main aspect of my reality TV aspirations: I'm not necessarily in it to become famous/ start a movie career/ anything like that. My main motivation for going on a strategy show like the mole or big brother is just to the play the game. I love the premise behind these shows of mystery and intrigue ( the mole ) as well as power and social relationship that I feel like I've learned as much as I can as to how best to play the games, and I want to be in there, I want to be part of the game and show off my intellectual/ strategical prowess. I feel like I can do so much better than some of my contestants. The drool from licking my chops is dripping to the ground. Reality TV producers, this is all you need to know:

* I would LOVE to be part of any reality TV show and would compete at every waking moment and give you and the rest of the viewing nation some pure entertainment.

Haha. 'Nuff of the self-plug.

Early returns from the young, young baseball season:

Mark Reynolds, a guy nobody drafted, is off to a crazy-hot start, 5 HR's with 13 RBI's already. He's not like the annual Chris Shelton, though, he will not cool off dramatically and get sent to Triple A anytime soon. Although ESPN's Mr. Roto saying he will get 40 HR's is a little ludicrous, this is just one of many young Snakes that is primed for a breakout season.
The snakes really have started off hot, and it's actually cuz of hitting so far rather than their m.o. last year, pitching. Eric Byrnes, Justin Upton, Reynolds, Chris Young all have gotten hot, and those guys aren't even batting in the 3-4 slots tonight, the prototypical "best hitter" positions.

Carlos Pena w/ the biggest offensive night so far in the season, w/ a 2 of 3, 2 runs, 2 Home Runs, 6 RBI night against the orioles. Wow. Stock up on this guy.

So far I've been right on getting off the prince fielder bandwagon. This guy hasn't seen the light of day w/ 5 runs and 5 rbi's but no HR's. BA was .242 to start the night, went down more tonight. However, it's early.

Good thing it's early, too, cuz Alfonso Soriano is another bust so far w/ a .170 BA. He does have 2 HR's, but this guy is such a freeswinger. Good thing he's a streak hitter and dependable source of offensive production u can be patient on.

The general trend so far all around baseball is that pitching is prevailing on the most part. This is to be expected as it's april, there's rain delays, cold weather, bad swinging mechanics so far, but as soon as summer comes around there seems to be magic pixie dust floating around to make hitter's bats come alive and baseballs fly out of stadiums. Therefore, I'd say to be a little more inclined to be patient on a struggling hitter than a struggling pitcher...........hitters should come around. But hey, what do i know. I waited and waited for jason bay last year...............disaster.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Collection of Random thoughts

It's crazy day on this blog I guess, randomest things I can thing of, here we go:

White has been my favorite color since about 9th grade when I arbitrarily decided i liked the way clean snow looked.

I have never really owned any pets. I am scurred of dawgs ( or, as Brad Pitt calls them in Snatch, "dags."
If I wasn't going to law school, I'd try to become an investment banker ( natural path for a finance major).
I kinda like M&A ( mergers and acquistions)
I really hope I'm not wrong about ryan braun this year, i'd look like a gigantic idiot.
How bad is the san francisco giant offense?
Felix Hernandez is a beast.
Jeff Van Gundy is a VERY GOOD color analyst for NBA basketball.
Marc Jackson isn't bad neither setting up JVG.
Adam made a terribly misguided, buffoonish move on Big Brother.
I wish I was on Big Brother. I'd show them.
Really a pretty hard episode to watch on survivor thursday in the sense that ami really begged and cried and hugged and did everything to say, and had convinced amanda and cerie, but ozzie being the big bossman he is laid down the law and kept his buddy eric.
Ozzie has really made me root against him.... he's the goliath that you want somebody to backstab. If I were on the island, I'd be buddy-buddy w/ him all throughout just so betrayal could be that much sweeter.
Nuggets sure don't seem like they want to make the playoffs. Lost at home to Sacramento last night, losing to Seattle tonight.
Harold & Kumar go to white castle was good, Harold & Kumar escape from guatanemo bay should be better. At least i hope so. Comes out next week.
Lot of hype about Tiger possibly winning the grand slam this year in golf. First he has to win the masters, the one he's won the most of. I'd say him vs. field is about even odds. That's sick.
I'm rooting for dallas to win the NBA championship. They've battled this year. Well, I'll root for them after LAL.
Shoulda went home to Darien this weekend, didn't do it. Regretted it. Great weekend to have done some bike riding, wheelin' dealing, high-flying', tennis-playin' with my dad.
Did I mention before that Percy Jackson series of "lightening thief," "sea of monsters," and "titan's curse" is really good? Go get those books.
Elton Brand could play major role in fantasy playoffs for many owners. Two games back he's done pretty well already in under-30 min action, he should get some more run and post even more. Such a solid 20-10 guy, don't usually just have these guys show up during fantasy basketball playoff season.
I dunno what I woulda done without chipotle this semester. That stuff is a bundle of flavor.
Looking for the good ol' days of summer.
Yahoo! looks more and more like they'll be forced to be acquired by MSFT. As a shareholder of the stock, even i want them to take it ( convert to MSFT stock, haha!)
RIMM stock = good, AMGN stock = not so good. Out of the two, i'd rather have AMGN be in better shape ( mom works there).
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. Let go of another member of her staff today. What are we gonna do about you, girl?
In 6 months I will be extremely busy in law school. This post is gonna probably have to be a strictly- weekend thing.
Piece of fantasy advice: Grab Jeff Keppiner, at least for now. He's 3B/SS, very unusual position set but very good bat in that reds lineup. If success doesn't sustain, u can always dump.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Saturday, April 5, 2008

High School never ends

Ok add "speak" by laurie halse anderson as one of my favorite novels. I can't believe I haven't read this novel before. It was published in 1999 and won all kinds of awards, but I'd never heard of it. I wish i had read this thing before high school, cuz i might have done some things differently had i recognized that the hypocrisy and problems in high school were shared across the many things that "speak" paraodied were indicative of what we did in high school. Wow, just wow. A beautiful piece of work, in my opinion. Anyone who's ever been in high school ( and i think legally that means everyone over 18) can find something from the book to relate to it.

I have a lot of fond memories of high school, but sometimes i wish i could go back and redo some of the things in high school. Not that I had a terrible experience or any traumatic events occur in my high school career, but knowing what I know now, i would change so many things. The thing that troubles me about "speak" is that the absurdity in high school was recognized in 1999 when anderson wrote it, yet no one seems to do THAT much about it. There's still a lot of social cliches, bad teaching, educational policies that are never followed, and overall lack of compassion for students. Of course, this is not a bash on my old high school, it's just a recognition that across the U.S. this stuff happens even though we have A BOOK THAT CHRONICLES ALL OF THIS. Obviously it's really though to fix all of this, as principals and teachers can only do so much. It's like trying to fix homelessness: at some point, to some extent, the homeless themselves have to help themselves. That's why I wish I could go back in time: to become a high school student, be a voice within the whole world of absurdity to point out the flaws of the high school system, stop the categorization of "jocks, goths, and dorks" and really make everyone's high school experience much better. Ah, if only.

Lol, on that note, fantasy sports. Well, the NCAA tourney games were really interesting tonight but really pointed out how down college basketball is. My friend justin and I were watching the games and really noted the overall lack of quality of the basketball, even with 4 #1 seeds playing. Sure, these guys are real athletes, and there's a few quality basketball players on each team that played tonight, but the teams were just NOT THAT GOOD. UCLA couldn't put up offense, Memphis couldn't score besides rose and douglas-roberts, kansas got off to a big lead and then just played stupidly to almost give up the lead, and north carolina was just ice-cold and couldn't find any other way to score besides putting up prayers. The difference between an NBA game and a semifinal NCAA tournament game is still very noticeable. Although the NCAA tourney has great facets to it like cinderellas, upsets, last-second shots, and live look-ins, the quality of the game itself is just not as high as the NBA. Not even close.

First week of MLB.....some observations: Tigers offense might not be good as a lot of people think. They're 0-5 and certainly not hitting like most expected. Sure, this might just be a cold streak to begin the season, but be careful with your tigers, they faced kansas city and white sox hitting and couldn't get much done.

Justin Upton has 3 HR's already. Hmmm has he broken out already? I predicted he wouldn't yet, and it's only the first week so i'll go w/ my gut and say he's not gonna keep this up.

Alfonso Soriano couldn't have gotten off to a worse start. He's 1- for his first 5 games. NOT GOOD.

Injuries already. Gary sheffield has to wear a splint on his finger, better believe that'll bother him. Pedro Martinez out several weeks. He might be done, folks. No joke. Brad Lidge was out, now he's back. JJ Putz got put on the 15-day DL for the mariners, they now need a fill-in closer.....not sure who that is yet.

Johnny Cueto, pitchin prospect for Reds, probably no longer a prospect: great outing for them this week, has great stuff and is a strikeout pitcher.
Watch Jered Weaver. He might turn into the Angels' #1 pitcher this year not by default injuries but by performance. He was in control the first 2 games against twins and rangers.
Peavy already has a CG, repeat of Cy Young?
Carlos Zambrano began the season quite well, then had to leave, but he should be fine, so say the cubs. That's a pleasant surprise as he usually begins seasons like trash.
Whole Yankees lineup hasn't been very productive yet. However, this team i'm not too concerned about. Call me cynical but I've seen this chapter too many times to believe A-rod, jeter, matsui, giambi, posada, cano, et. al aren't gonna hit soon.

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fantasy MLB preseason overview, Part Deux


Underrated: Not much to say here, the catcher stop has traditionally just been a dead position with about 4 to 5 worthy peeps out there but not really anything to get excited about.

Joe Mauer, Kenji Jhojima

It might be my personal prefernce towards Japanese players, but I think Jhoji gets very little love outside of Seattle ( I'm not even sure he gets love in seattle neither), but the guy hits double-digit homers, respectable average, and more than 50 R's or 50 RBI's each year. Not gonna hurt you, he'll be better than your average catcher.

Joe Mauer was the #2 overall pick 5 years ago, and he's been proving his worth ever since. He's just a good hitter, and you always draft talent over anything else.

Overrated: Russell Martin, Jorge Posada
Again, the instance of the career year effect. Martin's might be more of a steady trend cuz of his youth, but I don't see a catcher stealing 20 bases again this year. That's insane. And remember, last year he busted out of the gate really fast.......he'll need to do that again this year to maintain his stats over the long haul, I don't see it. Posada is just getting old man, if you think his 36-year-old eyes can keep up his .330 average from last year, be my guest, be my guest.


Underrated: Josh Hamilton: Look at his stats accumulated over 300 AB's last year = sick.
Nick Markakis: 3rd-year player on the brink of breaking out, being taken belong Curtis Granderson? What?
Ichiro: Again, never gonna disappoint you, his talent wins out.
Andruw Jones: Somehow I think this 40HR+ bat has fallen too far from grace. I'd still take a gamble on him.

Overrated: Carl Crawford: In a year of lots of people w/ potential for steals, his swipes aren't that statistically significant, and he doesn't do that much else other than that to compensate for such high draft ranking
Previously mentioned Curtis Granderson: He will never be drafted this high ever again.

Corey Hart: Have you ever heard of this guy before last year? Don't trust him just yet.

Adam Dunn: I didn't see how his stats improved that much from seasons past to give him such a rise. Sure, 40HR's will be there, but so will his detrimental BA. I've developed a trust in him, but some of that trust is not to his benefit.