Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

Here we go, boys and girls, a day many have waited for: Super Bowl Sunday, Patriots vs. Giants. The difference between this and your ordinary Super Bowl though: the stakes are higher. If the patriots win, they go down in history, defy history and put themselves in exclusive territory w/ a 19-0 season, a place in the recordbooks that will never be broken, only tied. Oh, and as a bonus, they win the Super Bowl as well. For the G-men, stakes are also higher: they'll always be remembered as the team that STOPPED the Patriots from the perfect season, the guys that were better than one of the all-time teams of all time, at least for one game. Oh, and they also win a super bowl, just as a bonus. That's what i mean for this super bowl: It's not the usual battle for the yearly grand prize in the NFL, but a battle for a chapter in history.

Just as a side note, since millions and millions are gonna be watching this game, here's waht u should watch out for fom a fantasy perspective, maybe for preparation in advance for next year?

Tom Brady: Awesome season this year, and he will still be very good next year w/ randy moss and his receiving corps intact. However, he will not be as good as this year. Do not draft him as your #1 overall pick next year, no matter what people tell u. Brady will never be as good as this year's regular season.

On the other side of the field, Eli Manning might just be beginning his climb towards the top: He really seemed to figure it out towards the end of the season and into playoff time, and although his regular season #'s weren't spectacular, watch his super bowl performance for a preview of what will happen next year: Upward trend?

Plaxico Burress: Will put up decent #'s as a WR the next few years, a solid #2 wide receiver, but injuries and age will catch up to him and he will be declining soon .Still draft him high next year cuz eli needs a big WR to throw to as he evolves.

Randy Moss: Straight cash, homey. He's gonna be as good as cash for fantasy owners the next few years, but i wonder what happens if he gets in trouble, or he and brady clash for some reason .Hmmmm..... However, that seems far from the case right now, so i still expect 18-TD seasons the next few years.

Laurence Maroney: probably an underrated piece of the N.E. puzzle, he didn't have the best of seasons, to say the least, especially since he was supposed to be a breakout candidate. I say he gets a lot better next year and as people focus on the WR's of N.E., he picks up big runs in the gaps that are created. And he's a bruiser near the goal line. He'll be good.

Well, good luck. My prediction is that the pats are too good to be denied. 35-17, N.E. But i hope we get some good football at least for 2.5 quarters .

Fantasize on,
Robert Yan

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